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Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:23 pm
by Arisa
Hey, guys!
I've decided to design this website. This time I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible to focus on movement. For the first design, I decided to have images of water and tires appear where you hover your mouse. I think it might be difficult to understand, so I'll post one more desktop type design.
For the second design, I decided to add movement to their concept of "Conserve Soil Water". Information can be obtained from the main menu.
I'd like to focus on simplicity.

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:44 am
by Anayik
Hi Arisa,
I LOVE your second concept. It's eye-catching, clean and strong. I love how you used an image as the text background. I also think the white space surrounding it just serves to highlight your concept. Maybe something cool to play with would be to try a soil image for the word "soil" and something else for the word "conserve". Idk it might end up too busy that way, but just an idea. I also think that it would be really cool to have your home page super white and clean and then each subpage have the full image as the background. Just for contrast.

Well done!

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:56 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Arisa,
I'm loving your second web design for this project. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you will design your landing pages and the final result for this :).

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:17 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Arisa,
I love both of your layouts. I really like the second layout the best. It is so creative and i love that you filled your text with a water image. It is just the right amount of empty space. It is easy to read and also aesthetically pleasing to look at. really good job!

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:58 pm
by Instructor
Oh, interesting ideas here, Arisa. I like your second design that uses type as a mask a little better. This one would be perfect for the background-image technique I demonstrated with a gradient last class.

That masking type is super visually interesting. You could use it for so many things. I like the cleanliness of the the white with the image type as well. The lack of color is just fine. Whatever background image you choose behind your type will provide the color. It's super obvious where the nav is due to the page's cleanliness so I'd have no problem navigating the page. It almost seems like it's both making a statement and asking a question.

I would like to see some sort of bodycopy information on your homepage. Something for people and search engines to sink their teeth into. I would also have liked to have seen some of the informational inner pages you talked about, just to see how these designs present information. These are certainly attractive and eye catching home pages that do a great job of beckoning people in, but I would like to see how they try to inform too.

Good effort!

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:09 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Arisa,
I like your white design the best because of the water graphic in the type, it conveys the message of conservation well. It is a very clean design and I think for the other page a more detailed design with more elements would look good.

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:49 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Arisa, I really like what you did with your second concept, it's very clean and the type with the water in it looks really good. I think it'd be nice to have a sub head and little bit more information about what your site is about. It's looking good!

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:04 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Oh this is a cool idea for your first design. I like that idea of using some hover effects to see different images while keeping the text in one place. I do like the simplicity of these designs, but personally I like the first one over the second. The few things that I noticed is that for the mobile it seems that the color on the word 'water' changes. Also, you seem to be missing a filter on the tire image like you have in your computer layout so that the text is legible.

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:26 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Arisa,
I really like the second design you have. It looks slick. I love the type with the water coming through, I think it gives a good idea of what you're trying to accomplish. I would have enjoyed seeing the inner pages of this design. Great job!

Re: Project Three Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:22 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Arisa,

I'm a huge fan of simplicity, and I really like the concepts you've come up with. I really like both layouts, but personally I'm a fan of the second one. The image masked with the text is really intriguing to look at and it makes me want to explore the website more. I would suggest adding a small paragraph on the bottom right of the web layout just to give the audience more of a sense of what this website is about. I'd also suggest making the mobile layout text horizontal instead of vertical and adding the paragraph underneath it. Great work Arisa! This is awesome.