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Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:43 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi everyone,

This is my Project 3 Preliminary. I chose to redesign this website:

I chose this website because I was excited to do a pastel color scheme for a website. And I thought that a cupcake website with pastel colors would look good. I started by deciding on look, I wanted it to be friendly, welcoming, and minimal, so I went with light pinks, whites, and light grays and yellows. Except for the black background on one of my designs, I wanted to try something different. Then from there I made the layout, which I wanted to be easy to read and not cluttered. I chose to do a "Flavors" page and a "Events" page, in order to give myself options for the final product. So, depending on what everyone likes, that is the one I will probably choose!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:06 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Kierann,
I'm digging your first website design. Great idea of making the vegan cupcake distinction, because I have a few vegan friends and I know they would appreciate how easy it is to find a cupcake flavor they can enjoy. I also like how you added the total amount at the bottom of the cart, which is very convenient, instead of having to click on the cart to know how much you will be paying. The only thing I can think of suggesting fixing is the photo. It looks a bit pixelated in the web version, so maybe choosing a higher quality photo that will work for both the web and mobile version.

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:12 pm
by Instructor
Great! Now I want a cupcake.

Ordinarily, I'm all about high contrast design, but in this case the first design does so many things better that I prefer it. What really sets it apart is it's margins and use of whitespace. They are very good to excellent throughout. The whole page has a light and airy feel to it. You've also selected two great flavors of type that taste great together here. The script headline type and rounded sans-serif bodycopy are really working well together and help with a feeling of fun and openness. Your colors are well chosen, too. Pink and white make the whole thing look like an old school candy shop and that goes well with a place that seels fun cupcakes. The layout makes your content easy to find and places things well. I like the vegan section, too. This is the kind of business that would have an extensive vegan clientele.

I'd recommend hunting down a little better picture for the home page. The inner page cupcake images seem fine, but your homepage image is a little pixellated. I'd recommend snagging a bigger, better quality image. Make sure the font of "North America:" on your homepage matches the rest of your fonts, it's a serif type here. I would also scoot in "North America:" and "my cart" on your mobile inner page to match their positions on your mobile home page.

Good job!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:45 pm
by mtvo

I really like the layout with the "baked, fresh, daily" headline. The pink and navy color theme accompanied with the cupcakes is very appetizing. The font and layout is simple which allows the picture of the baked good to stand out more too. I think the white gradient on the picture adds a great touch and makes it sophisticated. Overall, I think you're headed in a good direction!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:17 pm
by Krueckl
You came up with some really fun concepts. I love your last design the best with the darker background and the line of cupcakes. I really like that it has more contrast and I think it might be cool to incorporate buttons for the navigation as well. I like the white trim along the tip and bottom. Really cute!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:25 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Kieran, I really like your third design with the darker background. It's a great picture and I like the shape of your header. Really good work!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:40 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Kierann,
I think there are so many elements here that you could combine into one to make one even greater website! I really like your header and navigation design on the first layout, but I like your imagery of the second. I do like how you designed the splash/hero area of the second design with the text 'brighten your day' rather than the 'Baked fresh daily!'. Your cupcake page is awesome, I ended up using the images she already has on the site (which are way too small), but these look great and I love your font choices, they all work great together and are very legible. I also like that you put some footer info on your second design. Some of your images are a little grainy so just make sure they are all big enough to look sharp when online at full screen. Overall, great job!

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:19 am
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Kierann!

I am so torn between your designs! I love the second one with the kind of bunting banner thing you have going on, but the first one is just so fun to look at! I love that you can make even a white background look fun. I think you could honestly add even more pastels here and there in your type if you wanted, but even still, these designs are so fun and beautiful! Awesome job.

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:14 am
by gavin_clouser
Your second design is much better than the first. You have super strong imagery and a good type. So if this was my project I would go with that one.

Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:12 pm
by Hamistani
I really like your second website! It reminds me of the outside of a cupcake store with the shape of the navigation bar. I like the pastel color choices, and I like how it's easy to navigate. With this being said, I think the navigation buttons can each be moved over to the left, so they can be at the top of the half circle. I would also find a better resolution image. Great job!