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project 2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:49 pm
by nelso220 ... index.html

I think overall it could be better, but I'm kind of proud because I've been kind of struggling with this class and understanding everything, and putting this together without really knowing much at first was a big challenge for me. Thanks again to my friend who helped me out towards the end of it C:

Re: project 2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:15 pm
by miss_kristine
I think you did a good job, I'd just like to see a bit more content and imagery. I too am struggling, so I understand! I like your roll overs, at first it caught me off guard, but I think it's fun.

Re: project 2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:52 pm
by nelso220
thank you! and I agree, working with dreamweaver without really knowing much is really complicated; it makes things difficult. :C

Yeah, I think besides the navigation, my website is kind of boring. I wanted to put an image in for maybe the about us page, but for some reason, the scroll option didn't work out! I don't know :C

I enjoyed your website btw! It was very cute, and represented apple hill well.

Re: project 2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:55 pm
by zelouzelou
I like this design much more than what you had shown in precrit :) It does have a little bit of an 'old school' feel to it, I mean in terms of the imagery and color scheme. It reminds me of nintendo. Just a few thoughts: I think I would have liked to see more padding around the body copy, especially on the sides. I agree with Kristine about wanting to see more imagery.

Re: project 2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:58 pm
by TinaBodden
Oh man. Your navigation confused me at first but I really like it. It's fun and informative. Great job.

Re: project 2

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:01 am
by smith206
Not a huge fan of your navigation. First thing I tend to do when i view a site is look at the navigation and scan to see what I want to check out. With yours it doesn't seem to make sense till you scroll over the links. Then once I view a page I cant remember what else there was so I have to go back and scroll through them again to remember. That said I think you could have done some more with it. Its basically the same website with different html in one section.

Re: project 2

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:27 pm
by olddragon
Like you, I am just glad to get site up and functional. I am glad it worked out for you. I like your design. The navigation made me think, especially since I am an old one, but I don't think your audience would mind, and that is who the target is. I am sure the gray haired ones would not be coming to your site, or at least if they were they would be savvy enough to get it. This just isn't a general public site, so it works.

Re: project 2

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:53 pm
by nelso220
aaa my navigation seems to confuse a lot of people! I'm sorry you guys :C

thanks for all of your input! I'm still overall proud that I was able to actually get it working, like olddragon said, but also like smith206 said, it still needs a lot more work to make it look/navigate better! I wish I had better planning with this one, I'll have to plan better with the 3rd project.

Re: project 2

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm
by mminten
Yep, your navigation got me to. Interesting Idea to do it like a game menu but I didn't know where to go. Other than that I would just add a few more images in your content area and it is all good!

Re: project 2

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:24 pm
by Vi_Vi
I think you did a great job with this site. I like your navigations even though I was lost at first. But other than the logo and the nav, the site is just a bit too plain, I don't really get the "gaming" feel. As mentioned by others, maybe adding some imagery would give a complete feel to your site. Nice job.