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project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:20 pm
by Brady Lenon
Here's my prelims. Critique away.

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:37 pm
by kelseymarie_ba
Hey Brady,
Nice picture, haha. I think that the second layout stood out to me more because I gravitated to the colors! Something that might help with your layouts is limiting the buttons, I think for the project using a few buttons that link to the 2-4 projects for the semester, resources, and contacts would help keep your design more simple. If you do decide to limit your buttons, that will allow you to use more space to make your logo bigger, photos, or headline bigger! Hope that helps, can't wait to see what you design this semester. Good luck! :D

Kelsey Bautista

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:14 am
by keatonbeatty
Hello Brady,
I love the picture lol and also the cool color yellow you used! Your layouts are nice but I do agree that maybe limiting buttons would help because it would free up more space for you to get more creative with other elements of your design such as your photo and the cool logo you have at the top! I think something that would help as well as maybe picking another color that compliments the yellow you chose and using it for the buttons themselves and maybe getting rid of the black outlines on your header and replacing them with either another color or just getting rid of them. Anyways I love both of these designs and where they seem to be going, and am excited to see the end result!

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:37 pm
by YoAdrian!
Hey Brady! How's it going? Looks like you're going for the old-school html look right? If so you should go extreme with your look, like have boring IBM typeface and make it all green and black (haha). I think you found a spot for everything we needed, but you may be missing your email address? I can't seem to find that. If I had to choose, I'd go with the 2nd design using your initial letter logo and the orange. I like the color scheme you're using. I think you can try to find a higher resolution photo, but if not, try to make the one you have a little more appealing some make it smaller with a frame? Or maybe incorporate the pink backdrop color somewhere else. And I agree with everyone so far, you may need to rethink all the boxes. Don't BOX YOURSELF IN man! :). Can't wait to see more of your stuff!

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:59 pm
by Instructor
Awww yeah, another poll! However, that "headshot" is going to haunt me for days. I like your design 1s, as I indicated in the poll.

Your design 1s are nice clean layouts that have a good color scheme and are easy to navigate and pull information out of. I really like your personal logo you're using here. It's got great colors that you are making great use of in your composition. My favorite bit are the orange strips that let us know where important and interactive content is. You use them as your top bar and buttons and it really works. I thought I would hate the thick black strokes, but they're working for you here, providing clear spaces for your emphasized content. Good use of sans-serif fonts for your class information and titling.

You don't need to put the entire URL in your buttons. You can just title the button where you want the link to go and attach the link in the code. We're going to learn all about that on Tuesday! I'd make your bodycopy a sans-serif to go with your titling. Watch your padding (the distance from your content to the edge of it's container) on your header. The bottom of your "Spring 2022" (should be spring 2023, I need to update the assignment sheet) is a little close to the edge of your header. I don't think you'll need that stack of a billion buttons on your mobile layout. I think you can just run the button you are using edge to edge.

Good effort!

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:37 pm
by bmeyer
Hi Brady!
I think both of your designs are good but I like the orange one more. I like how you incorporated your initials logo and I think the color scheme is more interesting.
My advice would be to have some sort of hierarchy with the boxes by maybe adding some titles like projects or references. In your computer two under the paragraph there's a lot of white space, so you could also make the type a bit bigger, or you could move the boxes up. Good Job!

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:48 am
by isaacm03
Hey Brady,
Nice work so far. I enjoy both, but I am leaning more toward the yellowish layout. Your logo is a nice touch, and I like how it works with the color of the boxes. I agree with some of the other critique comments, you should move away from the boxes and challenge yourself a bit. Some headers would help establish a hierarchy that is a bit easier to follow, as the current text inside the boxes is far too small. Good luck! You got this, I can't wait to see the final.

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:17 pm
by NMartz
Hello Brady,
I like both, It is not easy to pick between these two. I think both could use some more shapes/color and I think some empty space could be utilized. Good job.

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:29 pm
by Mars_Sink
Hey Brady,

I like the organization and the information, but I wish your website showed your personality. It feels a little flat and like there isn't much to see. Maybe example work?

Re: project 01 preliminary critique 1

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:34 pm
by Erikatsukamoto
Hey Brady! I like the orange design and the Elmo. I might try messing with the layout of this to make it not as boxy. Nice job