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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:24 pm
by keatonbeatty
For my final layouts, I decided to go with the second group from the first critique. I really fell in love with the background pattern I used for this design and think it creates some good textures and visual interest. I took some of the advice given to make it look more derived from the web version by keeping the layouts similar as well as the type styles used in both layouts cohesive as well. I did keep the web design the same, I just couldn't come up with a version I liked better, it seemed once I started moving things around it lost its gridded structure and smoothness, so for the final, I just tried to focus on making the mobile version better with more of an emphasis on my logo. I liked the green bar across the top of my mobile so I also tried to create kind of the same vibe with my other version by creating a little divider out of the same color as well.

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:53 am
by Hinata_Sato
Hi Keaton!
I'm happy that you went with the design you chose! I love the mobile version a lot more than the previous one. The pattern in the back is working really well with the black-and-white picture and colors you chose for the other elements. Sans serif fonts are easier to read and I love how the green theme matches one of your hobbies! These are so small things, but I would fix the orphan (2023) for the computer version and make the light green line slightly longer so it will match the green buttons on the top for the mobile version.

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:50 pm
by Instructor
Hey! The leaf topographical map one. Nicely selected, Keaton.

That background pattern is really working well for you here, Keaton. It creates such visual interest in the nice clean layout that you have here. The whole thing feels very well balanced both vertically and horizontally. Your image balances your bodycopy and your header balances the text below it. You've got pretty good margins here as well. Most things are not too tight. Your colors are really establishing a look here. You even green tinted your image. Or the grren of the composition is giving my eyes color bleed. Either way, cool! You've got nice use of contrast as well. Keeping your greens pale let's your black text stand out well against the background. Your navigation is easy to see and use.

The text in your buttons do not seem to share the same baseline. Also, I think the buttons on your computer layout would all look a little better a little wider so your Project 3 button can have a little more margin around it's type. Similar to what you did on your mobile version. On the mobile layout, I'd probably scoot your buttons together so the left edge of your Project 1 button matches the left edge of your green bar and the right edge of your Project 3 button matches the right edge of your green bar. I think your green header bar on your computer layout could have had a little more padding so the logo and text don't touch the edges.

Good job!

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:08 pm
by YoAdrian!
Hi Keaton,
I love the background as well! Good choice keeping this design. The different greens play well together and compliment the cleanliness of your typeface. The only thing I would add at this point would be the larger green bar from the web version to the mobile version. I see the smaller green bar, but I think making it larger as you have it in the web version would work well too. This is a really pleasant and calming design; I love looking at it!

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:30 am
by isaacm03
Hey Keaton!

Great work! I am such a fan of your layouts, especially your background pattern and color palette. I think they complement each other well, and the pattern is very detailed without sacrificing readability, which can be hard to balance. You made the right call in terms of options. As for critique, I think you could make the project buttons type smaller, and use a lighter typestyle. I only say this because I think K. Beatty Graphics should have more prominence in your layout. Nice job! I feel very relaxed looking at your layout, and it feels quite friendly.

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:07 pm
by kelseymarie_ba
Hey Keaton,
I think the background is eye catching and the use of a black and white photo helps balance it all! Something that you can consider changing is the font size of the TMCC information, you can even hide it in the bottom of your website if it's small enough! Hope that helps! Good job! :D

Kelsey Bautista

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:13 pm
by yasmin_bean
I love the natural leaf design and feeling you have going on. I also like your logo and the breakup you did with the 'B'. Your hierarchy works very well and I like how you lower the bold as you go down the page. I don't know if it's just me and my habit to overcomplicate things but it does feel a little too straight forward, I might feel different once I have the ability to interact with it but that's just how I feel at the moment.
Yasmin Bean.

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:03 pm
by lil_cactux
Hey Keaton, great websites! They look beautiful. I too love plants and your background really appeals to me.

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:53 pm
by S_Osmar
Hi Keaton,
Your final designs look really nice! I love the shade of green you chose for your design, it makes it feel good to look at and it works well with the background pattern. I think the greyscale picture helps with the overall design as well by limiting colors! I would probably work with the space between your picture and your subtitle type in your mobile design. Great work!

Re: P1_final_kb

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:41 pm
by qcottel
Hi Keaton!

I love that you went with the leaf back round design, I think it works well as a texture to make your website pop off!
One thing that I'd change is the size of the buttons on your website top just a tad bit smaller, just so the other elements have room to breath a bit better!
Anyway, Good Job!