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Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:42 pm
by YoAdrian!
Below is the link to my landing page. This is NOT, I repeat, this is NOT responsive and only works at the maximum aspect ratio of 1920x1080. I tried it out in Safari and Edge, both of which make the site look sad (I'll work to fix this in the future). For now, please use Chrome, and don't trust your monitor size if you're working on your laptop. All the buttons do something, so that's nice, and I got the favicon to work. YAY! ... nna-chism/

Thanks for looking.

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:01 pm
by Instructor
Oh! The spider boys and their Chucks. They're so squiggly! And vaguely confused about everything. Sounds like me.

My favorite bit is the little rocking interactivity on your buttons. I was rolling over them again and again and making little "doing" noises. Very fun. Heck, this whole thing is very fun. It's "sketchy", but in the other meaning of the term, i.e. it looks derived from a sketch. The whole interface looks hand drawn. You've done an excellent job carrying over your preliminary work design to the browser. Nice work with the custom fonts, too. They seem to be working nicely across many browsers and not causing layout issues. Good use of white space through the whole thing. Your navigation is easy to see and use. And you snuck in a favicon! That's rad. A bonus spider with a confused look on his face is never unwelcome.

I'm not 100% sold on your bodycopy font. I think it has legibility issues, but I see why you chose it.

Excellent work!

BTW, the link in your post was broken. I went in and fixed it for ya'.

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:59 pm
by keatonbeatty
The first time I looked at your website it didn't open but I'm glad I came back to look because it is really cool! I love the little guys floating around and your overall layout. The scaling is a bit off for me in Chrome and your type is kinda hidden in your little characters in some places. Overall very cool website!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:00 pm
by Juan Lara
Hello Johnna,

It's amazing how you managed to translate your original design onto an actual website, good job! the only thing I may suggest is moving one of the spiders placed behind your main bodycopy for better legibility. Aside from that, you did a great job!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:47 am
by jjkusler
Hi there Johanna!

AW yay, it's everything I thought it was going to be! It looks awesome, it turned out just like your original design. The body copy font is a little hard to read but it works so well in your design, maybe try out some color so it doesn't blend into the spideys? Overall, it looks so cute!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:41 pm
by Hinata_Sato
Hi Johnna!
Your website looks really nice! It looks exactly like your preliminary work. I love how you made the project buttons move. Your hamburger menu works nicely and I like how you made the TMCC logo hand-drawn look. I love the favicon too, it's so cute.!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:55 pm
by antstronomy
Johnna! I'm such a huge fan of your website. I've been a massive fan of your aesthetic since our 117 class together. You mesh your interests and sleek aesthetics together beautifully, and it reflects in your website. Great job!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:14 pm
by NMartz
Hello Johnna, this turned out very nicely. I'm currently using safari and see what you mean with the layout size. I really like the moving Project 3 and Project 4 buttons. I also like what you did with the hamburger bar and how you made a highlight if you hover over the projects. Other than the layout size on other browsers, I think everything is working very well. Good work

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:19 pm
by Erikatsukamoto
Hey Johnna! I really love how your website turned out, its so cute!! I love your spiders, the only thing I would change is moving the right spider up a bit or have the rotation on "project 4" be a little bit less than it is because it slightly covers the right spider when you hover over it. Really nice job!

Re: Project 2 - Final - 2023

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:20 pm
by kelseymarie_ba
Hey Johnna,
Awesome website so far! I think the illustrations and the movement when hovering over your navigation is the cherry on top of the cake! Something that I think would help your website is possibly fixing the alignment or position of your body text since some of it isn't legible due to the overlapping from the character in the background! Other than that, awesome work and can't wait to see your future projects! :D

Kelsey Bautista