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Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:56 pm
by lil_cactux
Here is my prelims. :D I have shapes in place of pics in the pages cuz I got really overwhelmed with how many pics there are on tmcc's photoshelter

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:40 pm
by YoAdrian!
Hi Liv,
I like both of your designs, and I'm definitely going to rethink my design after seeing these! I think I like the 1st one a little more, the navigation on the left feels really good and flows well with the photos. It might be worth it to try a few more fonts to see if it adds anything to your design. Good work so far!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:16 am
by isaacm03
Hey Liv,

Nice work on these! I think I am leaning toward the second web layout, especially your navigation. I like the side menu! I think you should try and fill out the space a bit more, to help establish a stronger hierarchy. Messing around with type styles could also help with this.

Nice job!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:20 am
by bmeyer
Hi Liv!
I really like both of your designs! You have a really cool minimalist vibe going on, and that works really well with the black/white contrast. My only advice would be to make the body copy font size a bit smaller, and also make the headlines a different font variant. Good Job!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:08 pm
by antstronomy
Hi Liv,
I like both of your designs; it makes this hard to choose! I will say right now I prefer the first design because something about it flows a little bit better in my eyes. overall, I love how sleek they are. If I were to recommend anything, I would probably recommend using more expressive fonts or heavier fonts for the heading!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:38 pm
by Hinata_Sato
Hi Liv,
I really like the layout you have for the first set! Having a navigation on the side is a great idea since you have an image on the header. My suggestions will be to add more space around the head "Graphic Arts & Media Technologies" on the first set and move the TMCC logo on the top left corner. Great work!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:36 pm
by Instructor
Ayo, Liv. I'll toss a vote in for your rough2. I like it's contrast better.

I like the way you frame your content on both your home and inner pages. On your homepage you use your top image and your footer and on your inner page you use a header and a footer. It creates a nice little content envelope. I also like the side nav on your home page quite a bit. It, and your hamburger on your inner page are easy to see and use. Good font choice as well. Sans-serifs are clean and forward looking. Your black and white is an interesting choice. You've gone for full contrast while punting on color. Your reliant on your images to provide color. That'll make your image selection all the more important once you get there. It does make for a great contrast and make everything easy to read, but with the wrong images it could get harsh.

Watch your margin between your title and the top photo on your home page. Also, add a little margin between your section title and your bodycopy and a little margin between your paragraphs just to allow everything to breathe a little bit.

Not bad!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:00 am
by jjkusler
Hi Liv!

I'm going to have to go with number 2 for this one, I really like the darker background! One suggestion would be to add the TMCC green as an accent color somewhere since you are going for more of a monochrome theme. Overall, great job!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:43 am
by Erikatsukamoto
Hey Liv! I really like how both of your designs turned out. I think that if I had to pick one I would pick the first layout that you have. Your background picture that you chose for you second attachment I think is working really well with the rest of the layout. My only minor critique would be to thicken up the nav bar lines. Really nice job!

Re: Proj4-prelim

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 8:32 am
by kevin_ksk
Hey Liv,

I'm not sure which one I like better. I would combine the two in some way. I like the layout of your second version. It looks slick and modern. But I wouldn't make the whole page that dark color. I like your layout and design!