I'm a CIT major and I have all my GRC requirements taken care of. I'm taking the last of my CIT classes in the spring and graduating. I probably will take the next GRC web design class later after I graduate just to get it under my belt.
I'll miss you all, everyone from the GRC department has been very supportive and it's great to see a group of students so supportive of eachother.
Merry Christmas everyone and if anyone wants to keep in touch my Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/nathan.lundholm and my email address is NathanLundholm89512@charter.com, NathanLundholmMI@gmail.com, Lundholm@mail.tmcc.edu, nathanlundholm@lundholmdesign.us, or webmaster@lundholmdesign.us. Pick any of the above.
I'll miss you all.
I'll miss you all.
- Nathan Lundholm