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Hello Fellow Classmates!! :)
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:38 pm
by Kai_Watt
Hello! My name is Kai and this is actually my first year of college! My goal is to get a degree in graphic design and hopefully one day be able to work on the artistic aspects of video games. I bounce between different hobbies pretty frequently but right now I've been enjoying crochet, playing Magic: The Gathering, and reading sci-fi. I've made a few surface level websites before that weren't very good, so I'm excited to look into a bit deeper!
Re: Hello Fellow Classmates!! :)
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:48 pm
by Instructor
Welcome, both to college and to GRC 175, Kai. Looks like you've decided to hit the ground running! Oddly enough, I think your crocheting hobby will come in the most hand for web design. It forces you to be detail oriented, keep track of where you are, find joy in repetitive tasks, and even makes you do a little math on the fly. All of those things will serve you well when building websites. I look forward to seeing your solutions to the class projects.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to ask. I'm available through Canvas, emails, and one-on-one Zooms depending on your need/preference.
One quick request. Could you put your name in your forum sig? I've got a video on it
here that explains how.