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Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 11:47 pm
by quentin_debrabander
Hello, here are my two website homepages. I tried to go with a more modern approach. Lots of white and negative space to draw the viewer in and easy navigation. I made my face really pink because I thought it was funny and the picture was also funny. It also adds a good color pop to the modern approach. Easy and simple navigation is one of my biggest complaints when it comes to websites so I tried to keep it as simple as possible. It is also the first thing seen I hope, so that way the user knows exactly what their options may be in terms of experiencing my website. I was inspired by apple's website because it is simple and modern, but also extremely successful in both the website itself and correct branding. I also like the Sotheby's website. I bum around on here because it is interesting to see what is in, what people are spending money on, and rich people are just funny to me. This website is also easy to use as it explains everything they do, while keeping branding. The whiteness allows the art and auctioned goods to really pop off the screen and seem more appealing, especially when it comes to art. The two websites that were helpful were these web design trends. They were easy to read and helpful to see what is in and what is out in terms of designing a website.
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 1:51 pm
by Crane_Huang
Hi Quentin,
I love the way you arranged the font for your name, it’s very striking and adds to the visual hierarchy. The way the name goes across your eyes is also a nice touch. However for the first mobile layout your name is kind of hard to make out being in the middle of the page and body text. Also for the second layout it might be good to stick with either a black or white background for continuity for both the mobile and desktop version. All in all, great way to play with the arrangement of type!
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 4:41 pm
by asullivan3106
Hi Quentin,
I like how you took in a lot of consideration when playing around with the size of your type, especially with how you decided to go big and bold with your name. One thing I would suggest is to maybe consider how bright the white background is in one of your computer roughs, and to match it to the background color of your mobile version as well. The purple color over your portrait is pretty cool, but against a white background sort of makes the eyes strain. But other than that, you've got some good design concepts there!
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 10:42 pm
by Jonnathan_ZepedaRojo
Hey Quentin!
I really like the 1st design, The grey background with the white text is so simple/modern but it's always lovely to see. I will say if you were to choose a color like for instant you made yourself a bit more pink/purple, Make sure its only one color cause currently I am looking at the green straight after the purple. I can also recommend a gradient map, which can give it a stylized look while only keeping one color (perhaps do a darker gray with a gradient map or work around different colors with the gray background!)
Excited to see the finished product!
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 4:34 pm
by fionahdez⋆˚✿˖°(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
Hi Quentin,
I really like how streamlined both of your designs feel but still have that pop of fun, especially the first one. It really comes through that you put a lot of consideration into your designs!
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 4:36 pm
by Instructor
Oh snap, Quentin! You've got some kickass alternative magazine looking designs here. As much as I love the idea of having your name be a cancellation stripe, I slightly prefer your second design. I like it's margins a little better as well as it's use of divider bars. It's super clean.
Your angrily confused photo is perfect for a self-promotional website built in a web design class since "angry confusion" is the most common emotion in web designers. I like the color shifting to make it more colorful, add a bit of color to your design, and draw the eye as the visual center of the composition. Good choice on your typeface. It's easy to read and hard edges, which goes nicely with your geometric layout. It also makes a navigation that's easy to find and, presumably, to use. Great use of margin throughout these designs. You use proximity to group and separate things with great skill. I also like the use of the divider bar to mark critical items. For some reason, I find it funny that you're quoting yourself for your bodycopy. And I'm not even going to ask about the dead fish.
I do lose your contact and class info in your pic on your mobile version a little. I'd recommend running it vertically down the side and popping the dead fish in over your shoulder.
Great work!
Also, LOL at the underpants waistband forum sig.
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 9:26 pm
by luciyote
Hi Quentin, I really like your second website design! The minimalist layout with the super saturated picture of yourself really makes for some good contrast! I think your first design would look better if your paragraph didn't overly on any other image/space, it sort of disarranges the rest of the clean design.
Re: Project 1 Preliminary
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:30 pm
by Adrian_Brewster
Your compositions looks so striking and its amazing! I like how your picture stands out against everything else but it still fits in and doesn't take away too much attention. It does what it needs to do! I feel like you accomplished a really good balance in your first one, the second design still has a nice appeal. Just not as much as your first! I also enjoyed how the image flips between the mobile and website version, my only negative is how the body texts covers your name a little on the mobile version.