Project 3 Final!!

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Project 3 Final!!

Post by TheDrewster »

This layout was certainly very challenging. Nonetheless, I got everything working. I am still working the kinks out in the gallery and I will re-upload it ASAP. I also feel pretty proud that I was able to optimize the images to load quicker than ANY of my other sites ever did. Wewt. ... index.html

Oh, and if I type "<div class=" one more time, I am going to go insane.

Have a wonderful summer everyone! Stop by the Apple Store and say hi once in a while! :) See you next semester. Drewster OUT!

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by jmkreno »

Great design!! Love the layout and the images. Great job!

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by artgalstyle »

This turned out awesome. Really love the cork board and the way the type is on the notes. Love the rollover on the type and the Bio's were so funny! Will check back to see if you got your gallery working. Easy to navigate!


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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by R3YNO »

Looks good Drew great type and color choices and a fun idea!

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by Alaxvong »

He instructor description were well written. The image optimization is also really good. Great job

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by angelraiders »

good job i like that the home page isn't the same as the inner pages and you changed the layout. You did a good job.

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by TommieGuy »

Drew! Love it!
I'm sorry I didn't recognize you at the mac store when I was buying that ipod play thingy for the car. I'm 42. enough said.
Your site design is one of the best. it's inviting and clear. Great job.

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by sktlz1965 »

<div class="verycoolsite_i like it a lot"><d/iv><!--end yea, you get my point hehehe! Cool that you were able to pull it off! I am impressed with the overall concept! its fun and playful!

"Design is simply thinking made visual"

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Re: Project 3 Final!!

Post by deni »

I really like this page. The cork board is a great idea and you did a great job of designing this page.

