Donna Harn, Project One, Final

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Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi. My name is Donna and this is my final design for Project One. I decided to go with my second design because I felt it was cleaner and more contemporary. I feel it fits better with web designs I have been seeing as I do my research, the designs which visually appeal to me. I removed one of the navigation boxes at the bottom but may add it back in later. I took some advice and direction following the last critique and made my email address larger and easier to locate. I definitely think it works much better. Also, I made my name headline quite a bit larger as well. :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Donna - I am a big fan of your other, more illustrative concept, but since your particular passion is photography, I understand why you've chosen to go with a more minimalist style. The photo you've chosen is very strong, and I like your logo concept.

I would recommend a change for your color scheme on the logo and menu options though... pull your colors from the photograph, instead of using the red/blue/green. I think it would really unite everything. You've got some pretty yellows, oranges, and blues you could pick up from the photo. If they're too dark, then use a tint of that hue, but keep it within the same color family.

I'd also use another color for the menu frame. That stark white is drawing my eye away from your photo. Otherwise, I think the layout is great. Very nice.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by jennybreitrick »

I just love the use of colors on your page. Also, the image you used is very powerful image. The way you have our eyes walk down the sidewalk into, who you are is very unique. Great Job!
jenny breitrick

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Alexey M
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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by Alexey M »

Very good job. I like the way you made a layout. Also - good colors.
Not sure where you will put examples of your work (like images and ect) when viewer click any of the links.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by gokudera08 »

your stuff always look great donna not sure what to say to improve it other then the red type is losing me a bit but ime colorblind and have trouble seeing the color red so that's probably why ime sure it looks great.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Donna.

I really do like this layout, because it's simple and elegant and it's got that awesome photo as a focal point. I think the colors are strong and add an interesting edge to the page, and your font choices are clean and easy to read. My eye keeps getting confused on whether the "Who I Am" section or the info at the bottom is more important though, so maybe decide which you'd rather the visitor focus on first and adjust the other a little, either in size or color.
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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Donna! Beautiful layout and I love your background image, is just as lovely as ALL of your pictures! I think you have a great sense of hierarchy here and my eye just flows through your design very easily. Great Job!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by Heyyou »


I really think the contrast on your layout is great. The colors work together well, and they do a good job of leading the eye through the design. One suggestion, I think that using borders around the boxes on your project navigation takes away from the overall design and perhaps if you created the boxes in a lighter color to contrast the black background it would be more effective.

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by Martin5Ar »

Nice design Donna, I like it. However I would recommend to incorporate some effects to your type, such as drop shadows. Right now it looks a little bit plane or flat. But it like the balance and the distribution of your elements.
Martin Aranda

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Re: Donna Harn, Project One, Final

Post by nunezm »

HI Donna,
Great design! :D I like the color choose, and how the site is easy to navigate through and well organized . One thing I'm having a hard time reading is the "Who I am" section. Trying making the text a little bigger. Other that very good work! :D
Maria Nunez
