Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

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Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by Siri »

Hey everyone, Cristina here. It's a little late but I'd like to present my final layout for Project One. Considering both of my rough layouts were rather popular, almost evenly divided, I decided to go with the circles rough and try to incorporate some of the more favourite features of the black and white layout, such as the single image being centered on. I also took from the suggestions offered and tried to divide the container with all the information from the background so it doesn't look like it's floating as much, but looking at it now I wonder if the background gradient might have been a bit much, and should have been a solid colour instead.

So let me know what you guys think, since according to the project guidelines we're allowed to edit this as we see fit and learn over the semester. ; )
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Cristina,

I like your concept and your colors are very soft and pleasing to look at. It gives off a very warm feel. The only thing I would suggest is adding a bit of contrast with the image and text on your header. It is a tiny bit difficult to read. Also, the "resources' at the bottom with the photo. Great page, though, I am really enjoying it! :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Christina - I think your composition here is quite nice. Everything feels like it's in harmony, and that includes your color scheme. Just some minor tweaks...your quote that sits over the photograph is a little hard to read, and the TMCC logo is so high it's getting cut off at the top.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by jennybreitrick »

Your final Layout design came out so clean and nice looking. Your color pallet that you were
working from really works great together! Good job on this project!
jenny breitrick

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by rmosley »

Cristina! Good job! I love your color palette as well and the use of type in the top right corner works well, except, some of the letters get lost and makes it hard to read, unless you look at it closely. Maybe you could add a layer of black over that image, then lower the opacity? Always seems to work for me when I have this small issue with type. None the less! I like it!
Rachel Mosley
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Alexey M
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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by Alexey M »

Very nice work! I like the size of the layout and colors on your final version. Very clean and easy to navigate
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by gokudera08 »

Really cool design love the quote and the layout it has a very "fun" feel to it.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by nunezm »

Hi Cristina,
Awesome layout! :D I'm really joining the background grandient and how you changed the different elements on the page. One thing I suggest would be to make the TMCC logo a little bigger and make it pop out more. Other then that your layout is GREAT!
Maria Nunez

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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Cristina.

I definitely like this version a lot better. It keeps the warm, homey kind of feel from the original but it's much neater and better organized. I think your gradient is perfect; it rolls inward and so brings me eye to the content, exactly where it should be. I love the layering you've done too. I would probably make the "q" in "quiet" in your header on top of the circles instead of below though, and instead of having the clean curve on the bottom left, you have a point, so maybe take a look there. Also, I think it would look neater if you put the two lines of class info at the bottom on the two separate colored boxes, so they're easier to read.
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Re: Cristina Sanchez - Project One Final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Cristina! Well I love the cheerful color palate- it's quite a few colors but I still think you've used them very tastefully! And also, I really think its a great idea that you've decided to have a unique quote prominent in your design. My only concern is that your quote has some contrast issues with the imagery behind it- the white text tends to get lost a little bit in front of the light parts of the photo behind it.
Nicole Medrano
GRC 175 student
