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Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:39 am
by Sierragirlnv
The first layout is simplistic and I actually had started with a completely different idea this is what it resulted after testing placement and learning my original idea wasn't going to work as well as I had imagined in my head (or drawn out in a thumbnail). So my second design exemplifies simplicity although I am not crazy about the color scheme, the image itself helps with the hierarchy. I am also struggling with the white space because simplicity isn't something I am generally comfortable with.
The first website that I found inspiring was Lyric the modern design is confusing at first because you scroll through instead of the standard buttons but what I liked about this layout was how the images communicated the idea so well that words were almost unnecessary.
The second website I found inspiring was Andy Shield the similar scroll through platform but he uses simple animation and design concepts that flow well throughout the website.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:55 pm
by paula_b
Hi Tiffani,
I really like the first rough. The design is beautiful. My only critique is that the links button gets a little lost in the rocks in the image. The second rough is good too. I like the simplicity of it but not sure about the image. I think that I, personally, would like to see you or some of your work. If the image is representative of your photography skills, maybe show it as a photo, or maybe a low opacity image of a camera. Good work!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:45 am
by recordd
Hi Tiffani,

I love both of your roughs...great job! :) I do like your 1st rough better though. It is beautiful, simplistic, and professional looking. The only critique that I would suggest, is maybe creating a graphic with your initials for branding. I also think that your project links are blending in with the background a suggestion would be to maybe move them to the top left & maybe add one more link by contact to even the navigation out, then making the background a little bigger.

Your 2nd rough is good, as well. You accomplished the simplicity with a balanced layout and I like the color scheme...only thing is the image is throwing me off a little...I seen Paula mentioned a camera...I agree, it would be great to represent your love of photography. :-)

Re: Project 1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:41 pm
by mlauc
Hi Tiffani,

I like the minimalist approach to your designs. Your photo is beautiful. I would explore variations of your logo, possibly introducing glass/translucent qualities to further reinforce the brand. I think there could be more contrast with the links, too, as others have mentioned.

Your second version is eye catching. I envision the hero image could cycle through a variety of portraits you have taken showing your expertise as a photographer.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:14 pm
by ElizabethBrass
Hi Tiffani,
I like both of your designs. They are both very clean. for the first one I like the background photo and your logo. The only thing I can see that I would play with is the contact button. It looks out of place sitting up at the top all by itself.

For the second one I love the lay out and this photo. Its very clear and the viewer would have no problem figuring out how to navigate this site. I would make your headline bigger - your name. That might help even more with the visual hierarchy. Other than that it looks great.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:08 am
by dboudinot
Hi Tiffani,

Both of your layouts are good, but I tend to lean towards the top rough because I kind of have a thing for transparent boxes. The only thing I would worry about is the text in the about me section throwing off the balance once it's added, so I would be careful about your choices in that regard. Other than that, I think the design turned out very nice.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:52 pm
by Instructor
Looks like you've got two good clean designs here.

Personally I prefer the first one. It's very clean and serene. That's a great picture of Lake Tahoe you have there. I like use of a white top bar and bottom bar as framing devices. Great use of contrast throughout. I also like the blue boxes breaking out of the edge of the image. The typography is very nice as well; good choice on the sans-serif and handwriting fonts.

The way I see it, the "Contact" button is the second most dominant object in your design behind your logo. If that's what you want, great, but if you don't want that, I'd recommend making the "Contact" text blue and making the button a blue outline. I also have trouble reading the white type in the blue boxes in a couple of places, try black type instead and see how that looks. Lastly, I would group your right navigation buttons together a bit to give them more unity.

A great clean design. With a little playing with contrast and unity, it'll really excel.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:09 pm
by Miasera
Hey Tiffani, I'm really enjoying both of your design concepts but if I had to choose one, it'd be the second. You've done well with the minimalistic layout, I think it has good asymmetrical balance to it even if it does seem like it could have the elements brought together a little more. I am still a fan of the picture of the lake in your first one and your color scheme is working great, though the area for your bodycopy might be difficult to manage with the background image behind it.

Overall, I think either one of these could work out for your final design.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:56 am
by kiwakom
Hi Tiffani,

I really like both your designs!
The title design of first rough is amazing! I love it!
Also, photos are so beautiful :)


Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:05 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Tiffany,
I really like both your designs.
I grew up in Tahoe so that first one is my first choice so I might be bias based on that fact.
The picture is gorgeous. Great photo to use for your website as its very striking and gets your attention right away, at least it did mine.

The navigation on both design is a bit confusing. I guess I am just use to having it on the top or left side of the page. I think that people have tried to change up the navigation placement over and over but the most readable way to do it is the old ways. Just my opinion as your trying to reach as many people as possible. It took me more than 3 seconds to figure out where things were.

I too have a very hard time trying to be simplistic yet artistic in designs. I think your design are nicely done to that extent.

The second design looks great too but Im not sure what your trying to communicate with a frustrated old man! LOL
Hope some of that helps