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Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:12 pm
by wendy_boddy

the two sites above are for typeface and color guidence

the three sites are inspiring to me because:

Bjork's site is very 3 Dimensional and interactive. I like the idea you can move the stars around a little. It is still very clean and legible although you can move the whole screen around. I like this concept of dynamic yet simple.

Baroque is just awesome. It is captivating and makes me wonder how they made it. I want to make interactive, musical, abstract, yet functional websites one day for sure. is a very beautifully laid out website that packs a lot of information and people together but still has a clean airy quality about it. I like that the animation behind everything adds to website without distracting the viewer. I also like how that broke up the grid and square look with their polygon connecting star chart thing.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:27 am
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Wendy,
Good job on your project one roughs. I enjoyed the first purple layout, however I would like to see the image you choose because that might be the tricky part when it all comes together. The color and size of the photograph may change your mind once you insert it. As of now with the type face that you chose it reminds me of a Glamour. I wouldn't have chosen purple but it has royal feeling to it that compliments the font well.
The second layout is simplistic and the buttons are huge so a user could navigate it easily and not lose themselves on the navigation. I think it works but again I would like to see the images you choose to see what the final effect would be with the color choices you made. The type definitely compliments the modern feel of the design you chose.
Good Job.


Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:43 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Wendy,

For layout 2, I am a big fan of your monochromatic color scheme; I think the purple looks great. I also like the way you divided the layout leaving a lot of space for you image. It will be interesting to see how you balance the composition once the image is in place, but since you made the left side of the layout a dark value to draw focus, you've already done most of the heavy lifting there. The only thing I would change/add is your full name in small type under your initials, but if you are going to state your name in the paragraph about yourself that might not be necessary.

For layout 1, I think the colors you chose are interesting, and so is you choice to put the buttons in the middle of
the layout, but you might want to consider making the buttons smaller. Without the actual image, however, it's hard to know how that will affect the overall balance.

Both roughs look really good, but I like the purple rough a little bit more.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:44 am
by paula_b
Hi Wendy!
I find both of your roughs very pleasing to the eye. As they are now, the balance is great. I agree that your name should be on the second rough. The buttons in the center of the first rough is a clever idea. At this stage, I have to go with the second rough. Good work!

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:52 am
by rrodriguez

I like layout 1.jpg. It's colorful and I think the image on top and three sections underneath would blend together well. Layout 2.jpg is innovative but I think most people look for links either on top or somewhere in the middle. The links on the bottom might get lost in translation? Just a guess. Can't wait to see how you progress.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:03 am
by TsukimizuDC
Hey Wendy,

The roughs that you created are really beautiful. The first layout is really colorful and shows more of your style and personality. But you might want to change the color of the text for your about section so it doesn't blend into the background. The second layout, I love that you used a variety of purples and using white for the text. I would like to see which photo you'll be using in the project.

Well done and I can't wait to see what you produce.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:49 am
by ElizabethBrass
hi Wendy,
I love the huge buttons of the second rough. It will be very easy to navigate this site. I like the purple color of the first rough. I would put your name on your site so people know its your site.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:07 pm
by Instructor
Hah! At first I was going to whack you with a rolled up newspaper because I didn't think I could give you a full critiques feedback on these. Having blown them up, I can indeed give you a proper critique on these. The newspaper is sheathed ... for now. :twisted:

I definitely prefer the second one. I like the way the pastel colors work together. They're very soothing and tropical. Your sans-serif fonts are working well together. I can read everything and easily use the navigation. Choice of image will be paramount on this design. The layout is trucking it nicely but it might be ruined by the wrong choice of image.

I'd make the quote text italic and left align and justify the paragraph about yourself.

See. A real critique. But I'm watching you ... Image

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:19 pm
by Miasera
Hi Wendy,

I am voting for the second layout through and through. Your color scheme is both eye-catching and relaxing, and the font you have so far fits it perfectly. It's crisp and clean, and uses excellent balance via the rule of thirds. I definitely look forward to where you take it, should you choose to continue that one.

Re: Project One - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:00 pm
by lingling_chen
Hi Wendy
Both color schemes are good, I like your layout one more. Your rough one is colorful,and has a modern feel. I wonder what kind of the images you are going to use for your homepage, I can’t wait to see your final: )