Project #1 Roughs

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Project #1 Roughs

Post by recordd »

First, I'm going say that I had so much fun with this assignment. I think my first design is probably a little cluttered than it should be and may not be so easy on the eyes. I think both sites may be to pretty or a little overboard. :lol: I have issues with not making things really simple. I think I did a little better with my second design but not sure if I like the color scheme. I think I will make the resources their own page on both because I don't think I will have enough room for them by the end of the semester. I know some basics in designing graphics using Illustrator &/or Photoshop. So, this assignment has helped me to gain more experience with using Photoshop. This is why I went a little crazy on the creating & designing because I was experimenting too. lol Second, I could not find the TMCC logo I just put a temp box where I will place it on both designs. Please comment! I could use all the feedback that I can get, considering this is my first time creating something like this. :D

Website Portfolio's that I found Inspirational:
This portfolio of Joyce (a Front-End Web Developer & Designer) was an inspiration to me because of the uniqueness in her layout and it is easy to utilize. The first thing you see is her self-portrait and an introduction. I really like how her site is all one page, which is separated in different sections. As you scroll down the page, it is visually appealing how each section and project pops up as you scroll through the page. She also has internal navigation, which takes the user to each section that they would like to view and her navigation magically appears with your first scroll, which drew my eye right to it. Her portfolio portion was very clean with images of her work, when you hover over each graphic it shows what company she designed it for and she includes a little description of every project she has completed.
This portfolio of Chris Thurman (Freelance Web & UI Designer) was inspiring because it is very clean, original, his color scheme is appealing & consistent, his use of white-space is balanced throughout the page, & overall his simple interface clearly states his career background, interests, etc., portrays what he can do, & how to contact him if interested. This site is also one page with internal main navigation to each section. I think this site is very user & employer friendly because the layout and design is appealing and professional. I really like the way he has his work laid out (4 click-able boxes on top & 4 below symmetrical from each other), when you click to view the thumbnail, a pop up appears with print screens & descriptions of that project. I would use a design similar to this site for my portfolio because I love how it is so interactive with the user when hovering over his work and just scrolling down the page draws the user in. My second design is based on this site. I added some of my own creativity to it of course.

Design #1
I wanted one of my roughs to be eye catching and vibrant. So, I chose yellow, white, and different blues for the color scheme. I think that it will grab the users attention and pull them into the content on the website. I feel that I used to much white space so it looks kind of cluttered.

Design #2
On this design, I wanted something simple that would still be professional yet elegant. I wanted to make it more simple and clean. I created a personalized logo for branding. It will also be a link back to my homepage. I'm not sure if I like the color scheme and the buttons.
Danielle Record

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Danielle,
I enjoyed project one as well. I actually like your first rough. I like the clean lines. I also like how you incorporated blue and yellow both great colors. I see you have been experimenting with the gradient tool, I have a love/hate relationship with that tool...haha. Both of your designs are very feminine but also happy.
The second layout I felt got a little lost, like the back round and the images meshed together too well. I would try a triadic color scheme to make it stand out better.
I found using the grid in Photoshop definitely help my placement a lot.
Good job.


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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by dboudinot »

Hey, Danielle,

I can definitely tell you had fun with this assignment.

For rough 1, I think you used type really well; you communicate your information very clearly (which is something I struggle with), but I would lose the daisies because I think they are sending a message other than web designer. I would also center align your headline so that it was consistent with the text at the very bottom of your page.

For rough 2, I think the layout is good, but I would pump up the color contrast to really make the content pop off the page. You might want to add one more spot color.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by ElizabethBrass »

hi Danielle,

I am actually liking your first layout better. I like the type choices you used. They are very complimentary of each other. I also like your color choices this site looks very happy :D One thing you might want to change is the white navigation bar. I would try making it either the yellow or the blue color.

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by paula_b »

Hi Danielle!
My pick is rough 2. Rough 1 is too "boxy" for me. In rough 2, try making the image your background, just to see what it looks like. The colors and image are very elegant. I think your name should be larger than the words, web developer & designer.

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by rrodriguez »


I tend to have the same problem making things difficult for me and doing too much when the outcome is so very simple. I like layout 2 for many reasons. I like the white space it brings. The wavy type is innovative and carefree. The buttons on the top are great, makes navigation straight to the point. And finally, I like the color scheme, it's calming and readable. Layout 1 has a lot going on. It's bright and has a lot of boxes. But I assume you was going for the box look, as some kinda grid pattern? I think it's the bright yellow, it tends to scream out at you instead of inviting you in. Maybe play around with color schemes to get it more on neutral levels. What I would suggest for layout 2 is maybe pick an artwork you've done to replace to photo of the heart. Show your work to entice the view even more.
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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by recordd »

Hi Everyone!
Thank you sooo much for all of your feedback and suggestions! I will definitely take them all in consideration. They are both a work in progress that's for sure.
I loved seeing all of the other great designs out there! :-) I think it is so cool, to be able to, sort of read all of our many different personalities through the designing of our personal webpages.
Last edited by recordd on Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Danielle Record

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by Instructor »

Of your two designs, I much prefer your second one. Your first is too busy and cluttered for my taste.

Your second design is much cleaner and much more easily navigable. The layout is much easier to extract information from and provides a better presentational space. I like the simplified colorscheme and white background. That heartsplash is pretty fresh as well. I also have an easier time following my way though. Typographically it's not bad either.

A few quick changes will do wonders for it. One, rip out all the subtle boxes. The design doesn't need 'em. The structure of the layout is created via proximity rather than needing to be spelled out via faded boxes. Two, take the heart splash graphic and make it go all the way across like a banner. Three, you only need one instance of your logo, not two. Pick one and pull it. Four, do your scroll subheads in the same font as your headline and navigation.

You're off to an excellent start here. Just a few tweaks and you'll have something pretty nice.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by mlauc »


I like your second design and how easy it is to view the information. The 1st design has a color combination that is a little distracting in my opinion.

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by wendy_boddy »

Hi Danielle,
I like your first one because it has daisies and a picture of you. I think that the layout could use a little work in the resources section. Not sure what but, making the class project and resources part a little more unified might work. The second one is cool too. Its an easier layout to navigate, but I think you had more fun with the first one.

Take care,

