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Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:24 pm
by Miasera
Good evening my fellows, this is Cristina bringing in the roughs for Project One, in which we were to create a personal website. This round I wanted to lean toward more earthy colours but with a splash of brightness, and also wanted to incorporate what I've learned of photography along the years.

The first one focuses more on lines and shapes, dominated by a monochrome palette that is broken up by splashes of colour. I wanted to keep it relatively simple, clean, and organised, but I worry that along the way I might have made it too rigid, and it can use some bending here and there. It was inspired by this website:

This second one definitely leans more toward the earthy tones, and for the most part the colour scheme is monochrome. The colour palette was determined by the photograph used to create the background, which is one I took myself right here on campus. I was aiming for a softer look, though I feel as though I may have created too much floating space in the process.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:21 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Christina,
Great job on the project one roughs. I really enjoy your second layout. I can almost see the lazy "S" flowing through your design and the color choice as well as the font choice really harmonize together. It almost seems a little too bright in some areas though...maybe tone down the white a little or make it more graduated.
The first rough is balanced perfectly but I think the second rough has more personalization and character.
Good job.


Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:18 pm
by aslychsm
Hi Cristina!

These are really, really good! They both have a simple and clean feel. I also really like your color choices for both roughs, they suit their designs. I'm definitely leaning more towards the upper layout. It's just so neat and organized and easy to navigate! All the little accents and pops of color add nicely to the overall product. The logo at the top gives everything a professional vibe, same goes for the justified alignment in the main text body. The bottom layout, although very well done, just seems a little too busy for my liking, but I appreciate how everything fades in towards the center. Nevertheless, both of these would be great starting points, nice work!

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:39 pm
by paula_b
Hi Christina!
Great start on both of your roughs! Both are well balanced and the color schemes work well in each design. I like the second rough the best, it seems more personal. I think your name should be more prominent in the second one. The white start to wash out a couple of your words but other than that, it's beautiful!

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:56 pm
by justinepaigek

LOVE LOVE LOVE your designs. They are both pretty solid and well, just pretty. The first layout, although definitely elegant, seems to have more of a corporate/businessy feel to it, while the second exudes a more personal touch. I'd probably go with that one :) Maybe I'd size the body copy just a bit bigger in it, though, for ease of legibility :)

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:28 pm
by TsukimizuDC

I really enjoy your roughs, just beautiful. I am so drawn to the Lavender concept because it was so personal for you. The wayfinder rough is so balanced and professional, but for some reason it doesn't show some of the personality that the other rough has. I have to say that the colors work for both roughs really well.

Great work.

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:26 pm
by ElizabethBrass
hi Cristina,

I love both of your designs. The first one would be great if you were going to try to make it responsive. It is very clean and organized and I like your color scheme.
I feel like the second one is more warm and personal. For this one the white highlight going through the page is a little to bright. try toning that down a little. Great job on these, and I can't wait to see what one you choose.

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:59 pm
by mlauc
Hi Cristina,

Fantastic job on your rough layouts! They both look very professional. I like the urban, chic colors of the first design. I might select one or two of the colors and add them to your logo to balance the composition on the top left of the design.

Your second comp has a wonderful, earthy quality that is extremely friendly and welcoming. The hand drawn script as headline and links reinforces this approachable design.


Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:54 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Cristina, both your roughs look good.

I like the second one more because I think the layout is more interesting, and I would enjoy visiting that page. The only thing I would do differently is make the buttons more legible; they are a little hard to read in light's glare, but the rough looks awesome overall.

Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:38 pm
by Instructor
To me, the first one is a clean, competent layout that's well executed, but dull as dishwater. The second design totally ownzones it.

I really like the faded images as both background and layout elements. The use of color is very strong. The browns and tans echo the grasses and the blue on the email echoes a nice late summer sky. The handwriting type works with the design and is (miracle of miracles), not difficult to read. The navigation is large, easy to read and will be easy to use on multiple platforms.

The big issue I have with it is that it's a little rangy and needs to be tightened up. I'd move the whole layout up so that the "Web Design & Publishing I" is to the left of the Project Two button. Scoot the bottom grass image up slightly and then cut the composition off about 25-50px below the bottom bar. Also, please enlarge the bodycopy. My old eyes can't read it.

Excellent work, Christina.