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PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:46 pm
by Deth_Sines
Two Inspirational Sites

The thing abouththis site is that the typography, the subtle use of texture, the paralaxing and this edge to edge design that seems to be so in right now...I love it!

I saw this site get built from the ground up, and to see it from stagnant images on a screen to a fully functioning thing is crazy...especially the builder portion of the site!

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:53 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi there,
I like your project one layouts. The first has a mad men feel to it. It is simplistic but a little plain. I really am attracted to the second layout it holds a lot more visual interest for me and I like the color scheme. The only things I see missing is the TMCC class information and contact info.
Well done.


Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:28 am
by paula_b
Hi Seth!
I really like your roughs! I like the concept of the first draft, however, I am really drawn into the second one. I think all of the white space in the first gives me a feeling that it is far from finished. If it had a hint of color, I think it could change that. The second one is more inviting, I would definitely click a button or two.

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:01 am
by TsukimizuDC

Awesome work, man. Love the roughs. I am really drawn into the second rough because of the color scheme and visually eye catching. The first one, love the colors, but somehow it's a little plain for taste. Also for your roughs, you forgot to put in the TMCC logo and class information.

But other than that, great work.

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:24 pm
by justinepaigek

WHOA THESE ARE SO COOL!!! I love your designs. They offer a pleasing aesthetic and simplicity that rewards the viewer with their minimalist layouts and clean type choices. While they are both pleasing to the eye, I do like the color choices and images used in the second layout. It might be a good idea to have more links on the left, or something else to add because although it's very pretty, it still feels like there is a lot of empty space that could have some extra content. Great designs :)

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:58 pm
by wendy_boddy
Both of these are awesome and very different from each other which is equally as awesome. I am a clutter bug and want to see some video playing inside the white silhouette of your first layout. The second one is more appealing to me simply because of the colors. Looks like you'll have to add that pesky info about GRC 175 in there somewhere. I like both, I guess it depends on what you want to convey to your viewer or client. The first one is more personal although its colder. And the second one is warmer but more technical looking. Great work.



Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:10 am
by dboudinot
Hey Seth,

I like both your designs a lot, and I'm not really favoring one over the other. The top rough is a great use of negative space, but you might want to make the projects button a little more visible.

The second one has a great sense of depth and a paranormal feeling emanating from it, but the body copy is a little hard to read. Although, I think if you adjust the type, it may take away from the overall feeling of the page, so it's really up to you what you want the overall effect to be.

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:07 pm
by ElizabethBrass
Hey Seth,

I love both of your designs! :D But I am leaning toward the first one. I love the simplicity of it and the use of negative space. the silhouette is awesome. The only thing missing is all the class info.

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:34 pm
by recordd
Hey Seth!! :)

Nice work on both of your designs! I can't really say that I like one better than the other because I think they are both equally good, simplistic, balanced, and inviting. I like both color schemes and the images that you chose. On rough #2 I would suggest creating some sort of personalized graphic with your initials to replace the triangle & your name in the top left, and then maybe add your name & title to the top right above your paragraph. It looks like everyone reminded you about the class name & logo. Just a friendly reminder don't forget where you are going to place all of your resource links. :-) I can't wait to see you finished design!

Re: PrelimCrit - Proj 1

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:44 pm
by Instructor
As much as I like the oil on water color of your second design, I am a complete and total whore when it comes to contrast. I am helpless before it's power. Thus, design number one is the winner.

The first design has a really neat vertical layout and and excellent use of color. I like the blue as a highlight color in the black and white sea. The vector silhouette provides a nice focal point without completely drowning out the text. The navigation is simple and clean (a dropdown menu I presume). I can pretty much find anything I want on the page very easily.

Remember to put you inspirational links on the page. Also, I'd enlarge the text block by a point and move it left a bit toward the silhouette.

Other then that, dyn-o-mite!