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Project one final

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:36 am
by paula_b
Hi, this is Paula and here is my final version of project one. I really appreciated the input from all of you! I have opened up the image by making the top smaller and placing the navigation there. This gave me more space to work with and gave the page a simpler and cleaner look. I changed the typeface to a nice serif that has better readability. As we all know, it's a work in progress and I'm sure it will change.
Here are a couple of sites that I found helpful.

Since I had such a difficult time with the type, I spent most of my time looking at different sites that deal with choosing the right typeface.

Here are the two sites that inspired me.

Re: Project one final

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:56 pm
by recordd
Hi Paula! This one is my favorite, as you know! :-) This one represents you personally...great choice! I love the image of Pyramid Lake that you chose, clean & simplistic navigation & layout, your color scheme goes well together (Nice change on the black header & footer. I really like it more than the blue you had before. It really made a difference on the layout), & your content type in the middle looks nice and easy to read. The one and only suggestion that I would make is to maybe make your GRC 175 & Fall 2014 class info. a little smaller (font size you used on the nav.) and maybe move GRC more to the left and Fall in the middle. Awesome Job! Love it!

Re: Project one final

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:59 am
by rrodriguez
Paula Burris…I like this photo of Pyramid Lake because it gives a feeling that you are looking over the shoulder of the rocks (if rocks had shoulders). The black strips on top and bottom also further give the feeling that you are peeking into the landscape scene. Pretty affective. My only suggestion would be, since you have a great selection of blues going on in the photo, maybe pick a complimentary color like orange or orange-redish with your font colors? I don't know how you'd feel maybe making your name a logo design some how? Or if you didn't like orange, maybe darker blue colors for the type. The bottom text at the bottom is a little big as compared to the rest of the type on page. But overall, I like your design, it's clean and easy to navigate.

Re: Project one final

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:15 pm
by justinepaigek

Great, clean layout! Simple and easy navigation, and cool use of imagery. My only suggestion would be to not use the italicized typeface for everything that you did- I probably would have kept it with your name and the links up above, but everything else (the title "Web Design and the credits) would probably better serve your design as the normal typeface you chose for your body copy. This is because anything italicized should be for very good reason- because it's very important! You are obviously the highlight of this website, so that's why your name deserves the distinction. Everything else like the credits and such, can live a little less extravagantly.

Re: Project one final

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:37 pm
by mlauc
Hi Paula,
I like the clean simplicity of your design. One suggestion — limit italicized type to one or two areas. Nice work!

Re: Project one final

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:03 pm
by aslychsm
How peaceful this is to look at. You picked a great photo to use as your background, and everything is nicely spaced around the layout, very organized and tidy. The footer is bothering me a bit, as the spacing between 'Fall 2014' and the TMCC logo is much larger than the space between 'GRC 175 Design & Publishing 1' and 'Fall 2014'. I also feel like your name could be a wee bit bigger. Overall, I think it is a very strong layout, and you should be very proud!

Re: Project one final

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:17 pm
by Deth_Sines

This is SO awesome! I love it! So tidy and concise! I feel as if you've nailed it. The one thing I will say tho is that you should get that pesky TMCC logo in the lower right into the correct proportions. Other than that, completely rockin!

Re: Project one final

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:25 pm
by schakarun714
Paula this looks great! I think that your name should be a little bit bolder, bigger even. but i love the font choice.

Re: Project one final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:33 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Paula,

I think your final design turned out really good. The black borders anchor the photo and create nice contrast, and the placement of your text creates a great rhythm. The photo has a sense of openness that ties in with your statement about "new horizons." The whole design is serene yet adventurous. I would align the "GRC" in the footer with the "home" in the header so there is a nice clean line, but other than that, I think you created a really successful home page. Great Home Page Paula!

Re: Project one final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:17 pm
by steven_dickson
Hi Paula! I love how clean your lay out is. But I kinda feel like your text could be a little more broad. Unless that space is all being used for your info! Then it looks great!. Also the fact that it's Pyramid Lake in the background is cool. I love your heritage though. I kinda want to see if maybe you could incorporate that in there? That's just me personally though. Good Stuff!!!