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Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:22 pm
by recordd
Hi Everybody!! My name is Danielle Record and here is my final layout for Project #1...First of all, I want to thank everyone who gave me feedback on my roughs. All of your comments/suggestions helped me tremendously. I learned so much from this assignment, more knowledge for the brain the better. :) I have to say that looking at all of the talented and creative designs in our class was truly inspiring for me! :D

After preliminary critique, I decided that my daisy design (Rough#1) was a daisy don't :lol: for a few reasons. One, it was to busy and cluttered and some of you commented it was boxy like, and you were right. Two, this was the design I started & experimented with to get to know Photoshop because I have little experience using it. So with that being said, I think all of my creativeness went crazy on rough #1. Last, I agree with Dominique that the daisies were sending the wrong message other than a web designer and I like daisies but for me personally they were to pretty to describe me.

Anyway, My rough #2 was growing on me because I loved the unique purple color scheme, I felt that it was more me personally & professionally, I have always loved this heart drop image (I think it adds character & dimension to the page) and it signified elegance not pretty-pretty. lol I took in all of the great suggestions that I received, messed around with the color wheel tool, searched my creativity skills, and went to work. I thought and another classmate suggested that I should add a secondary color so I went with it (that color wheel is gold by the way!). I came up with a purple and green color scheme which I think helped the design a lot. I removed my cheesy logo (yes I said lol) and just added my initials only. I made my name and title larger and moved it in the middle of the heart. I removed all of the boxes that I had before and that helped tremendously. I made a few more tweaks after a few opinions and K that's my story. Thanks for reading, commenting, and looking! :)

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:50 pm
by paula_b
Hi Danielle,
I like the changes that you have made. The very top of the page seems crowded to me. I get the feeling that you want your name across the width of the heart, what if you made the image the entire page background? That would bring the heart down along with your name, utilizing the empty space in the center. Well, after looking at it again, I see that the TMCC logo is in the center, I think that real estate should be yours. Good work!

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:51 am
by rrodriguez
Danielle Record…I would have to agree and say that your choice of purple and green enhance your home page. I like the picture of the water shaped heart dropping into a water puddle. My only question is, did you take that picture or is that a stock photo or just a cool photo taken from the web? Some people trip out about their photos being used for something else. My suggestion…the bottom half looks text heavy and the top half as that awesome photo, maybe incorporate the two? Put your intro information on the photo, and move the project buttons up too? Or maybe fill the white background behind the intro text and project buttons with the same color as the photo. The white really stands out against the calm subtle color of the photo, making it clash a little. I like the buttons on top, it lets you know exactly where to go and what to look for.

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:39 pm
by justinepaigek
Hi, Danielle!

Really nice use of text layout, I like that they curve up- it definitely shields from monotony! I would suggest placing the TMCC logo in bottom right-hand corner, and removing the grey background from it. While we must give credit where credit is due in taking this class and creating content on-campus, the focus is on you and not the school :)

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:05 pm
by mlauc
Hi Danielle,

I like how well organized your homepage is and your use of color. I think the TMCC logo could be moved to the footer and your name could then be moved down to add some visual space.

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:13 pm
by aslychsm
What a great website design! As far as being easy to navigate, you've certainly succeeded! I love how nicely everything is displayed. In addition, I feel like you really utilized all the space, as every detail in the layout is important and can be easily seen/read. The image in the background is beautiful, and I like how you sat your name directly above the heart. I suggest you swap where your project buttons are with the TMCC logo/GRC 175/Web Design & Publishing is, just because I feel like it will create more of a balance. Other than that, great job!

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:30 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Danielle,

I like how your design came out in the final for project one. You have a very soft palette of colors mixed with very bold choices as well. I think you used the color on your type enough to make your image less opaque. It seems a little washed out. It does feel limiting when you are learning the software. I have taken many, many tutorials and I am always learning more.


Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:38 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Danielle,

I like the changes you made to your final. Your use of color is really strong even though its subtle, and your navigation is very clear. I would ,however, move the TMCC logo. I feel like the center of the page is an odd place for it, and the light grey color draws my eyes to the logo in an awkward way.

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:51 pm
by wendy_boddy
Hi Danielle,
Your site is very clear and easy to understand. I like your logo. I would switch the position of your contact information and TMCCs info. Good job!


Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:39 pm
by kiwakom
I like the heart drop image :) That's beautiful!
I also like the color choices.

I think you can change the title font a bit.
You used same font to your name and "web developer and designer", so if you change the "web developer and designer" font, it makes your name stand out more :)
Other than that, that's great!
