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Project 1 Final

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:49 pm
by schakarun714
Here is my final layout design for my homepage. I changed the background photo to one of my own that i took last year up in Tahoe. As much as i love Big Sur i wanted all of the elements to my my own. I also wanted to keep the vector art as an element in my design so i overlayed it over the photo and turned down the opacity so it wasn't too overpowering.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:40 am
by rrodriguez
Shalie Chakarun…I love your home page, it pops out… no… it slaps you in the face and says "admire me". I'm diggin the pattern on top of the photo. Does it have a particular meaning or just demands to be cool looking? Either way it's working. I think what I like most is the colors. The blue tahoe landscape brings a feeling of cool and soothingness, while the orange bring a sense of hot excitement. If I had to suggest one thing…it would be to make the button text a little bit bolder. And the background stripe behind the buttons be a little lighter to let people know there's a row of buttons. And I like that you took your own photo and made it yours. Cool stuff!

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:04 pm
by paula_b
Hi Shalie!
Great job! I think it is beautiful. Lowering the opacity on your symbol made a huge difference. If I had to change anything, I would bring everything down just a bit. Giving a little space at the top and not so much at the bottom.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:05 pm
by justinepaigek

cool. Cool. COOL. That's what I thought when I first saw your design. It's a vast improvement from your first rough and definitely more unified. However, I have to nitpick at two things: first, the circular mandala graphic you've got front and center isn't, well, centered. I don't know if that was intentional, but it's just a little distracting. Also, your orange is really really bright, and while it looks great a bit transparent in the graphic, towards the bottom of the page, it almost seems too much and hurts my eyes just a little. Perhaps choosing a tad darker shade of that orange? Otherwise, like I said, your website is cool, cool, cool.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:56 am
by wendy_boddy
I think you did a great job making your changes. The buttons, paragraph, image and artwork are all beautifully integrated. Good job!


Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:03 pm
by recordd
Hi Shalie,
Wow, there are a lot of good things going on with your design! I like your color scheme , the colors go well with each other. I really like your design and the image of Tahoe is beautiful. Just curious, does your unique design symbolize something? I love it and it really personalizes your layout. The one thing that I would suggest is to make your navigation pop out more by making the font bolder and maybe making the navigation bar a darker blue. Otherwise, you did a great job!

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:55 pm
by mlauc
Hi Shalie,
Your design is very cool. I like the complimentary color scheme and the transparent, large icon over the image. It's very intriguing in a new age kind of way. My only critique is that the footer gets a little lost at the bottom. Maybe a screen of color to make it pop more. Overall, very nice.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:52 am
by aslychsm
Wow! This is so beautiful, especially with the tribal accents. In addition, you paired that lovely, primarily blue photo with an orange background, which really unifies all the elements together. I also like the leading of your main body text, it makes it clean and easy to read. My suggestions are few, as this is already so great. I think you could increase the size of your name at the top to maybe match the "about me" text, and then push down the main description a bit more so that it spans the length of the layout more evenly.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:54 am
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Shalie,

Great job on your project one final. I like your use of color and hierarchy. I would suggest some kind of layering for the nav bar and the design behind it they seem to be on the same layer which having one with more or less opacity could give it better depth. Also I always notice typos and "thoroughly" is misspelled, I am always a victim to that..haha!


Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:46 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Shalie,

Your final rough integrated your first two designs beautifully. Your complimentary color scheme looks great, and I love the use of different values to create hierarchy and unify the whole design. The only thing I would change is making your name and body text a little bigger, so that it's a little easier to read, or you could lower the value of the orange at the bottom so that there is more contrast between the background and the text which would also improve legibility. I love your design though even if you don't change a thing.