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Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:11 am
by Deth_Sines
This was a pretty dope first assignment... I had a change of heart at 11:52 pm last night, 8 minutes before this puppy was due. Prolly not the best idea to wanna change the whole structure of how pages relate and where info is displayed, but it's too late for that now and I stand by my decision wholeheartedly! NO REGRETS!!!

As you can see there is a whole gang of pages, I did this to show that I wasn't insane in my thinking...???

This page when you visit my site will land on what is known (homepage) as "project_1_sd_about_page.png"

here is what you will see in all of it's simple and clean glory...See below for ranting on what the other attachments are about.

My design is all about simplicity and cleanliness. In order for that to be successful I really needed to remove all of that crazy copy directly off of the initial page. I used symbols instead of words for the menus but in the menus, I put what menu that you are in. In all of the menus I placed the GRC info.

The only viewed elements are:

My name, cause I want you to know that you're on my page all of the time.

The menu icons, cause you've got to have navigation... and I did this because I didn't want want words all over my very bold stated page. So, menu icon's instead of words, words, words...lots of words...TOOOO MANY WORDS for me. So all of the words are neatly tucked away in menu's. Words. Word. Wor. Wo. W. Okay, that's outta my system now!

Another TMCC icon/logo - because why not...that's why we're here.

And to round out the course...My email address, because if this was real...the two main things I would want you to know after you looked through all of my shi...schtuff, almost tricked you there, all my stuff and saw how awesome my work was, I would want you to know my name and I would want you to be able to email me very easily.

The other attachments are just to show how the rest of the menus would work and what the other pages could potentially look like. The extra pages were only really included to show you what the other menus looked like. It was easier to output them all because I used Layer Comps.

You are a true Champion if you made it this far in which I will call the is late and I must retire to my slumber quarters.

Thank you and I bid you...whatever...later!


Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:56 am
by paula_b
Hi Seth!

I admire your courage to change it all in the last minute! I had the same inclination but talked myself out of it. I really like the new idea. The only thing that I might change would be your name a bit larger. Good job!

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:08 pm
by justinepaigek
I don't think deciding to completely change your layout was such a bad idea. This is just too cool! You really have a knack for design and what looks good, because this site, well, LOOKS GOOD! I like your sizing of elements, color choices, and layout. The only two little suggestions I have are completely born out of my blatant perfectionism, but I would bump your email address just a tad further into your silhouette, as it's just a little too close to the edge for my taste. Also, I would put the wee little TMCC logo all the way in the corner, and not flush with the body copy, just to expand the space and make it feel tangible. Otherwise, seriously, this is great!

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:19 pm
by recordd
Hi Seth!!
WOW! :o I absolutely love this! I give you props for attempting to accomplish your creative mission when you decided to change your whole design...great job. All I have to say is that you definitely accomplished a great and visually appealing design. It is clean and simplistic just like you were aiming for. I love the color scheme it really goes well together and you added your own uniqueness by making your navigation buttons images, nice touch. Your self portrait is brilliant because it is not only eye catching and but shows your artistic personality at the same time. I also like your idea of the drop down menus, as well. I think the only thing I have to criticize is to maybe make your name larger, otherwise AWESOME job!

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:30 pm
by mlauc

I really like the thought you put into the design. Changing the silhouette to reflect your personality makes this very unique. I personally would have gone with a san serif typeface throughout to compliment the modern, minimilist design.

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:43 pm
by ElizabethBrass
Hey Seth,

This is so AWESOME!! I love the silhouette of you! Now it really feels like your page! The minimalist feel is very clean and modern and you did a great job with that. I agree that I would have stuck to the nice simple san serif throughout. Great Job!

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:33 pm
by aslychsm
This is simplicity done right. I love that you used symbols instead of words, it keeps the overall appearance clean and concise. Your combination of black, white, and accents of blue work wonderfully. I don't know if you chose blue because it's your favorite color, or because of what it represents (calm, soothing, peaceful, etc), but some of the most successful websites utilize blue, so well done on that! My only change would be to justify the description, mainly because feel that the majority of your design is so neat and sharp, the left alignment kind of throws everything off a bit. But nevertheless, great job!

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:07 am
by rrodriguez
Seth Dines…your home page is cool as hell. It looks so professional and clean, like it came from an apple site or big corporation. The silhouette of yourself is a nice personal touch. The text is clean, with just a hint of color added to icons. The example of the roll over boxes are nice as well. Your site was put together very well and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. Great job. My only suggestion would be to put the class information/class name/tmcc logo and put at the bottom of your page and not include in the drop down box. And maybe make tmcc logo a bit bigger.

Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:25 am
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Seth,

I like your final for project one! Yea, you are a little crazy to change your idea in the last few minutes but i wouldn't regret it if I were you either. The only suggestion i would make is to keep the type face the same on your hover links. I enjoy the colors you used and the clean type for your name! Great job!


Re: Project One - Final Output

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:00 pm
by wendy_boddy
I'm lovin the drop down menus and color scheme. The type on the bottom of the drop down menu gets pretty miniscule. Some people might have a tough time reading that. Cool design!
