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Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:20 am
by Sierragirlnv
So I chose some pretty bad websites but the winner was...(wait for it) I will include a jpeg of the home page in case you are too lazy to click on it. It took a while to figure out exactly what I was looking at and to figure out an idea. I looked at several other schools to see what they have as far as content. A school site (even though this is one department of a school) is filled with information and links and activities, calendars, student work, etc.
I eventually decided the visual aspect was the most important part. The color scheme was chosen based on the logo of the school and the type was easy to pick a sans serif because anything fancier wouldn't work. I feel the graphics are simple yet isn't cheap so I felt it had to have a "high quality" air to it. I would choose a liquid layout figuring there would always be content to add to the layout.

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:32 am
by dboudinot
Wow you found such a terrible website, Bravo.

I like your top set because it really gives the feeling of belonging to that college community where you find yourself and your career. It has that sense of comradery that your are supposed to feel once you are finally among people who have the same interests, and the layout is nice. My only suggestion is decreasing the leading on your body copy for your about page, otherwise good job.

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:21 pm
by aslychsm
It's amazing you were able to create a website based off of that one. I wouldn't even know where to begin, but great job! You kept the colors subtle, yet made the overall design much more interesting and cleaner. I think these are both really good, but I'd definitely have to go with your first design. Only because the second design seems a little busy. The background was a great decision, very creative. And I like the asymmetrical balance of things. For the 'About' page, it bothers me a little that the text is all sort of pushed to the left, and leaving all that space to the right, maybe try playing with the margins to even it out more. Well done!

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:05 am
by recordd
Hi Tiffani!
WOW! These are awesome! :) What a major difference compared to their website now (like Ashley mentioned I wouldn't know where to start either...what a mess) :lol: You definitely turned this site around for the waaaaay better. Both of your designs are professional, visually appealing, way easier to read & navigate through, & all around the layouts are well balanced. They also give the sense of community and technology. I'm leaning more towards rough #1, but I really like the layout of your navigation in design #2...I think it personalizes it a little more with students, parents, etc. I would consider merging your navigation from design#2 to design #1, maybe make your logo a little bit bigger, and I think it would balance the header title if you spell out Massachusetts Institute of Technology instead of abbreviating it. Great Job! :-)

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:27 pm
by hummela
wow the site you got hurts my eyes defiantly dont wanna check that site out but i like what you have done, it draws me into the site, the layout is nice. I like the photo of the people aka students but i also like the group photos maybe try to work in a photo of students or a classroom in the group photo, i am kind of leading more towards that layout

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:48 pm
by paula_b
Both are really nice and I have to go with #1. I feel they represent the company to a tee. The only suggestion that I have is to raise the opacity just a tad on the inner page, the text gets lost in the whites in the image. I love the mixture of color images with grayscale, very rich and professional looking. Good job!

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:05 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Tiffani,
Wow, that website is scary especially since its for MIT!
You would think they would have once of the better website designs out there.
Wonder if that says something about that school!
Amazing what websites can say about you. Anyway…

I really like your designs, so much better than the website you picked.
I personally want to combine the homepage 1 design with the about page 2 design.
I think they go better together than your original layouts.

I like the feel of the home page 1 design.
It looks great and you know your looking at a MIT website!
The navigation looks good and is in a good place.
The logo and name look good with the design of the buildings below it.

The about page 2 is very professional looking and goes well with the school theme.
Just make them come together and I think that’s a great start, nice job!

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:58 pm
by mlauc
Hi Tiffani,

First of all, I'm shocked that this site is affiliated with MIT! It's so unprofessional and confusing.

Both of your roughs have an upscale feel that do a better job of reflecting the prestigiousness of the school. I like the 2nd comp with the large chalkboard and equation image on the homepage. On the second page, I would include the secondary navigation, "Parents, Student etc..." for ease of use. Also, I would tighten up the leading in the "About" section.

Nice work!

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:49 pm
by rrodriguez
Tiffani, both layout look awesome as hell. I think you could use either or. But I personally like the layout with the school chalkboard in the background. The white background make it easier to read everything and the photos of students/staff make it more personable. The logo for the department is high tech and professional, it's so cool. The use of buttons and navigation are on point. My only suggest for this layout is to tighten up the leading just a little on the inside page. You did a great job

Re: Project Two Rough Ideas....

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:50 pm
by wendy_boddy
Maybe it a was a joke. Center for advanced visual studies. haha
Well, I think you did a great job on both. I love all the imagery you chose.
I like the use of the larger logo on top, but prefer the bottoms colors for navigation.

Good jarb!
