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Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:12 pm
by lingling_chen
Here are my roughs for my project 2.
The website I chosen is Ewin education, you can look at the link of :
For this website, there are some problem I need to fix then refine the refine the whole thing. First, I need to fix the logo(not a good logo I though, I creat a new one) background color, that white square on the red background color seems a little uncomfortable to me. I will change it on white so far. Second, I think the navigation and alignment can be better, some information can be clearer, like relationship of Ewin Innovative Education International and Ewin early childhood development center is a little confusing for some people. After those problem get solved, My goals for the redesign website is making the school’s ‘Innovative’ feature prominent more, make it more interesting and attractive by using graphic design on colors, logo positioning, page layout etc. Hopefully I can pull more parents, children, and more educators like the website or the school after I redesign it. Cause it is my friend’s website: ). Now I need my friends you guys to help me to make my work get better, please feel free to give me your feedback. THANK YOU:)


Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:18 pm
by aslychsm
These are great! I like how you went with the clean and simple approach for your designs. Both have nice composition, and are really pleasing to look at because of their symmetry. My favorite is your second rough, I like the subdued blues, especially for a website promoting education, as it has a very calm feel. You're little graphics are nice additions too. Overall, these are well done. Perhaps you could make the navigation bar a bit bigger to help make it more legible.

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:39 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Lingling,
I like the second layout better of the two because of the opaque images at the bottom of the first page and the organization of the content. I am not however a fan of the drippy colors in the corner. Websites like these are difficult because of all the content as well as effectively organizing all of the information. I think it should also appeal to younger adults with small children it has to be something they can relate to. People with younger children are concerned and aware but also new to the parenting experience. It should be fun and inviting to make the parent feel welcomed. You have your work cut out for you. Good luck!


Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:19 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Lingling,
Your right the website you picked had lots of problems. That site is very small in the browser window and aligned to the left, which looks horrible. Makes me think the web designer didn’t know what they were doing! Great find for a bad website.

I like the new logo design. Much better, theirs makes no since to me with the world and eagle.

I prefer the rough1 design because of the colored fonts and blocks/borders. It has a nice frame feel for the contents. I would add more illustrations or photos to give it more life. Schools represent certain things… I would try to make the site feel that visually. (Like Kids, Education, Fun, smart, chaotic, growth, etc.)
The navigation is too small and needs to be bigger, it gets lost and even at full size browse it’s too small.

Hope that helps, nice job!

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:43 pm
by recordd
Hi Lingling!
Awesome job on your roughs! I really like the logo that you re-created, it definitely fits more than their existing logo, nice touch. I think that both of your roughs are well balanced, navigation is easy to find, clean and organized. I think I like rough #2 the best because I really like the layout which has the different sections at the end with different images and colors. I feel those make your page more interactive with the user.My suggestions that I have for you is I would move your navigation bar down at little, make the logo, navigation bar & name bigger so they dominate the header, and I would take the dropping color graphic off of there (I think that it doesn't fit). Otherwise, it looks great! I cant wait to see your final design!

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:19 pm
by mlauc
Hi Lingling,

I like what you've done with the logo design, it has fun, colorful origami quality that makes sense with the subject matter.
I like rough 1 but I suggest changing the color of "Excellence in Education" to add more contrast. I would also include images that help convey the message and to break up some of the text.

Nice work!

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:44 am
by rrodriguez
Lingling, I like the layout where there are colored shapes on the upper right; the logo is on top/left and banner below. You put images for resources/partnership/career opportunity which adds another appeal to the site. You made the photos duatones, another great idea. The body copy is a lot but you made it all fit together in such a professional manner. Every element plays off each other and balances out the entire page. I wouldn't really suggest any changes expect making the title "Ewin Innovative Education international" bolder and bigger. Awesome job

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:23 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Lingling,

I think you have a really good handle on what you want to adjust already. I like the top layout more because I think it's more balanced. I would definitely play with color more then implement some of the changes you discussed in your own post. Great Start Lingling! You really seem to have a clear idea of where you want to go.

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:04 pm
by old_man_pat
Lingling! Your friend is lucky to have you help with the site's design. I agree that logo is a big improvement. The clean, concise design is a nice touch. I'm partial to your first design, namely because of the balanced layout. However, I also like the pictures and prompts after the 'Mission' content in your second design. I think something like that, if included in your first design, would enable easier navigation and scanning for the most important information in the site, as well as balance out your paragraph content. Very nice work, especially your paper-folded header 'Ewin Dream School.'

Re: Lingling's roughs for project 2

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:35 pm
by Instructor
Hmm. Two websites here, vying for my attention.

I think I like the second one better. It feels more polished. I like the white background and the cleanliness factor it lends to the website. Also, the relative lack of contrast means that wen something that is contrasty appears (like the bodycopy or the lava lamp blob in the upper right) it stands out much more.

The lava lamp blob in the upper right really draws your eye. Perhaps a little too much. There really isn't much else in the upper right hand corner in terms of content. I'd flip it to the left side. I'd also make it bleed under the navigation so the nav is a pale gray bar that goes over the top of the lava lamp.

The navigation itself is easy to use and prominent. Typographically, the website is decent with a good separation between the headlines and the bodycopy. The margins are awfully tight on the home page though particularly at the top. I'd use the same margin between the nav and the blue banner as exists between the first paragraph and the "Mission" title. Maybe add a little room to breathe between the blue banner and the paragraph underneath it. And the same for "Mission" and it's paragraph. Look at the margins you have on your inner page for guidance.

You're off to a very good start. I'm excited to see what it looks like live!