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Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:15 am
by gotsatisfaction247
Hi Everyone, this is the domain name of the site that I picked: ( One of my roughs has a countinues layout, by this I mean that there will be one very long page that you can scroll throught with all the information that the site has to offer. On the top there are nabigational buttons that will take you the specific page location. The only difference is that instead of fliping to the next page it will scroll to the specific aria, but in addition the visitor will have an adition option of scrolling istead of only one option of cliking navigational buttons. Therefore, my rought is one page with the information of the first two pages. There is still a lot of work I need to do with colors, images and layout, but this a very basic view of the idea. Same goes for the second rought, very basic view. I was going for skyview of Phoenix and rainbow colors, to give of the fill of Pediatric hospital. I am also still working on my fond options insite of the navigational buttons.

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:28 am
by paula_b
Hi Amy,
Good start on project two. I like the different pages layout over the scrolling one. They just seem to have a more personal feel to them. I know you said that you are still working on the colors, I hope that the gray is one of them. Gray is not a color that I would associate with children, and creates a cold feeling to me. I like the header on the scrolling page best and think it would work better on the individual pages, using color instead of the grayscale. Good work!

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:04 am
by aslychsm
I like both of your designs. They have a very organized and clean feel about them, which is important for a pediatric website. The concept of one long scrolling website is really cool, and it would probably work well for this assignment, but I think for a healthcare website, having individual pages would be more realistic. That being said, I like your banner for the top layout more because the font choice is more appropriate. My suggestion is to have the main image be all rainbow-y, but have the navigation bar stay neutral. Otherwise, I think this is a good start!

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:49 am
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Amy,

I like the first layout because of the simplicity of the user interface. However, the grey color choice is not something I would be comfortable with a "children's hospital" because black and grey can be foreboding. I like the city-scape in the back-round but i'm not sure that communicates the idea.
Great start!


Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:35 pm
by hummela
I like your ideals, needs to be more colorful :) Long pages can sometime be hard but i think yours is working.. i like the ending of it.. i think once you add in more color it will come together nicely.
good job

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:39 pm
by recordd
Hi Amy!
Great start on your roughs! :-) I think both designs are organized with simplistic layouts and easy navigation. I think I like your rough #1? (the one on the bottom) the best because I like the bright and cheery rainbow colors on the navigation and I think this site would work best with separate pages for each section/category instead all on one continuous layout. I have a couple suggestions for you on rough #1, I agree with our fellow classmates that the grey is throwing it off for me and is putting a gloomy feel to it, I think if you brighten up the background/type it would do wonders for it. I really like your header image in rough #2 with the bright color kites in it, I think you could add it in place of the current header on rough #1. Nice work!

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:26 am
by rrodriguez
Amy, I like your continuous scrolling downward layout the best. i've seen some of these web layouts before and they were always cool. Seeing how you're still working on color and fonts, i can imagine light pastel colors. You already seem to go in that direction with the color of your buttons. It's an awesome start, it's looking good.

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:08 am
by mlauc
Hi Amy,

I like the scrolling, one-page design the best. I suggest a more colorful background rather than the gray since this is a pediatrician's office.
Nice work!

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:45 am
by dboudinot
Hi Amy,

I like the feel of both of your designs. I like the header and one page scrolling for the top, but i like the range of colors on your buttons against the gray on the bottom roughs. I don't really have an overall preference. I actually like the gray background, but you may want to add more colors to both roughs just to liven them up a little. Great Start!

Re: Roughs2_by_Amy

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:03 pm
by Instructor
You're off to a good start here, Amy.

I prefer the endlessly scrolling design the best. It has good use of contrast and the typography is the better of the two in my opinion. You have good typographic hierarchy and you have a nice clean font for the bodycopy. Your headline font is good as well, though I'd recommend ditching the outlines. Also, I think it would be cool to color coordinate your headlines with your buttons. So the home page has a read headline, the Hospitals page has an orange headline, and so on. I also think your navigation is well placed and easy to use, though I would recommend sizing the buttons to your largest word rather than having one word smaller than the others.

You also have a good set of pictures throughout. They really helps set the tone for the business. I really like the picture of the two sisters hugging and grinning like maniacs at the camera. I'm not sold on your top banner though. I think you need something more upbeat than a rainy cityscape. Maybe a nice sunny day with children playing in a field.

Also, I hate to be a pedant, but you have a typo in your buttons. The word is "Appointments". Also, in your first headline, it's "Exceptional" and "Children for".

You've planted a good seed here Amy. Let's see what it grows into.