Project # 2 Final Critique.....

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Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by georgia_novotny »

So after spending all of Friday in lab I got the hang of Dreamweaver.
Thanks to Michael's direction and Alexi's help I was able to get my website site designed and up on the internet.

As for my website creation-
I wasn't sure how I was going to get what I actually designed up and working as a website.
Visually it made since and I was grateful it was easy to get up in Dreamweaver even though it took some time and patience.
I think considering that this was the second website I have designed using Dreamweaver it looks pretty damn good :)

I have artistic and designer issues that I want to fix as I am sure everyone does, it seems like its never perfect!
Design takes as much time to do over and over again that I put the work in Dreamweaver ahead of my design work.
I want to believe I will have time to do changes to them before next class but realistically it might not be possible.
So I will just say I think they are "damn good" for now as a beginning web design student!

The original "horrible" website is at the following link:

My Website Portfolio Website For Grc175 is at the following link: ... a_novotny/

I hope you like it!
I look forward to the constructive critique.
In hopes to make my website better.
Thank you everyone for your time giving me feedback.
Georgia Novotny

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Georgia,

Glad to see you got your website up. I like that you have a lot of pictures, but I think you should change the picture of the tiger because of the low resolution, and the navigation confuses me a little because the home page shows buttons for all five pages then the rest of the pages only show the four buttons. I would still like to see all five on each page, but that could just be me. Hope you're relieved to have this project posted; I know I was!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by recordd »

Hi Georgia!
Great Job on both of your sites! Your homepage is beautiful and it turned out awesome! I love the blue and black together and the black background makes them pop out. I bet it was difficult to get them placed like that in Dreamweaver. Good Job! :-) One suggestion on your homepage is to try to center the whole body so there isn't the empty black space to the right. Project #2 site, turned out good too! Your header and footer color scheme goes well with your logo and each other, your typography is easy to read, and I like how you put the picture collages on the news and events pages. Two things I would suggestion is to remove the underlining from all of your links and the address. Second, like Dominique mentioned I would add all five links to each page and maybe try to create drop down menus for the links for that certain page, so it doesn't look so cluttered. Hope this helps and again nice job!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by aslychsm »

Gerogia! Congratulations on getting your website up! I think you did a wonderful job recreating your designs. Your home page is spot on to what you posted in your preliminary, which is more than I can say! It's definitely my favorite of your layouts, it's simple, but because you've included so many photographs, it keeps the whole thing very visually interesting! The only problem I see - at least on my computer - is from the home page, if you click on 'Project 2', it takes you back to the home page. But the second time you click 'Project 2', it takes you to the Buffalo Zoo website. Just some minor problems, but awesome job my friend! :)
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by rrodriguez »

Georgia Novotny,

I'm diggin all the photos you've taken on your portfolio. And the rollover buttons are bright and pop out at you. The redesign page is pretty freaking awesome. You design the buttons in a way I've never seen before. When you click on a link, the original button disappears and the title of the page becomes the button subject. That's super cool. It's creative and different - that's a good thing.
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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by paula_b »

Hi Georgia! I think it's awesome that you were able to get all of those images into your personal page! I did the same thing on the projects button, taking it to a description page. maybe if you put some sort of indicator that it is a different page, it wouldn't be so confusing to the user. The redesign looks good, with the exception of the resolution issues on the large images and background. The navigation is easy and clear. I believe everyone should get kudos for just getting the darn things up and running to begin with! Lol! :lol:

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by hummela »

layouts are looking good.. one the personal site the only thing for me is the body of text is hard to read maybe break it into columns so there are shorter sentences, making it easier to read.
In the redo site there is not not much body copy, maybe thats something you are going to add later.
i would agree not he tiger photo with the low resolution, although i do like all the photos that you do have up. :)
Good job on figuring out to get your site up i can no figure out what i am doing wrong.! haha
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Georgia,

Congrats on finishing project 2! I do like your ideas although my critique would be to find suitable images. They probably were too small of a jpeg to stretch that big. I think the idea of a photo collage is a great idea for zoos I mean, what parent doesn't love taking pictures of their kids at the zoo!
I also got lost on the navigation as well. I think the green and blue work well together and putting the text in white gives it the best contrast. You chose a sans serif font as well which I think was a great choice.


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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by Instructor »

Glad to see another victory!

You've realized your Project One design. I'd add a little bit more space at the bottom of your paragraph to balance it worth your top paragraph.

Glad to see you got your Project Two website up and going. The blue and green colorscheme seems to be working well. I like the use of large imagery to communicate what is going on on each page. And it navigates well.

I've got a few issues with the design though. The whole site seems way too crowded together and cluttered. I think either the design needed to be enlarged or several objects needed to be shrunk. Also, you don't need to underline your main navigation buttons. I think your buttons would communicate that they're navigation without needing them. Also, I noticed your pages have very little text and seem to be just one giant image. You need a bit of content for your pages. Also, the underlining on the address is misleading, that is not a link that goes anywhere.

I'd also probably go hunting across the internet for better imagery. The images from the source website are low resolution and come out grainy and pixelated when you try to enlarge them.

Good to see you learning and growing on this stuff. Keep at it!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project # 2 Final Critique.....

Post by schakarun714 »

Hey Gerogia, great job. Your home page looks awesome, just how you wanted it. It represents you in every element. The redone site looks great too. The original site was boring and the redone site is so much more fun and thoughtful.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming
