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Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:58 am
by paula_b
Okay, here it is! I put it up on the server and considered it done. Totally forgot to put it in here! Lol! What a great challenge this has been, I didn't think that I was ever going to make it work. What a great feeling it was when an issue reared it's little head and the solution presented itself! On to the next!
Here is the original site:

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:58 am
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Paula,

I like your final for project 2. You can tell you like the color blue! haha. I noticed so many small things after posting my project that I could have done differently. This was a great learning experience.
The only critique I would say would be to have some way to get back to your portfolio page. It was something I thought of last minute on mine.
Great job!


Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:57 am
by hummela
I like your home page along with your tabs, i liked how you had brief info about the projects and then when you clicked not he project link it took you to the page.
I like your redo site it is much easier to look and get around the site the original is kind of crazy an a lot to take it, i think you did a good job, although the head line in the banner font is kind of hard to read the flute part but i do understand why you would pick that kind of font kind of flawy flute like but the F looks like a 4 to me at least, other than that it works very well :)

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:02 pm
by aslychsm
I think you did an excellent job on this project! I can definitely see all the effort you put into making it work and look professional. I really like your background image, I think the light blue contrasts well with your dark orange colored typeface, helps make it easy to read. I find it really interesting that when you scroll down, the background doesn't move, but the borders do. I can't tell if I like it or not, but I definitely think I do. Your little drop-down menu works wonderfully. The Blue Bear Flutes website is great, I love the colors you chose, and the overall composition. I feel like you should have chosen a different background color, black just seems a little overpowering compared to everything else.

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:21 pm
by rrodriguez
Paula Burris,

I love how the background photo is the entire page. It just shouts out at you. Makes you feel like you're there. The buttons are easy to navigate through. Your redesign page is easy to read and understandable. Much more organized than the original site. I like the drop down box for projects. Great job!

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:31 pm
by Instructor
I like the direction these are going, Paula.

That Project One is such a clean design that uses it's image so well. Good work there.

Your Project Two is a clean, easy to use website that presents it's information well and doesn't get in the way. I like the copper and blue colorscheme and the drop shadow to give it a little hint of depth. The logo and type work well together. I think the large flute pic on the home page draws the eye and really tells you what this whole thing is all about. I also like the placement of the bodycopy around the flute. The rest of the pages are laid out cleanly and I have no problem reading them or find what information I need.

I think what it really needs is a nice pattern or image for the background. Or a little more pattern in the copper header and footer and have them and the blue middle continue across the whole browser window. Something to give it just a bit more detail or "oomph". I'd also put "Flute Bags" below "Flutes", but above "Contact" on your navigational menu. Lastly, I'd use larger flute pics in the catalog.

BTW, nice margin on the photos. That's good spacing between them and the text.

Nice work!

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:02 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Paula, I'm excited to see your stuff posted; I know how much work you put into this project.

I love your home page! The layout is simple and the imagery is very clean.

The redesigned website is also very cleanly done. The banner looks really good and navigation is super easy to follow. The typography was also a smart choice based on your content

I agree that "flute bags" makes more sense directly under "flutes" on the nav bar, but that's really my only critique for you.

Great Job!

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:26 pm
by schakarun714
Hey Paula, Your home page looks great, it came out just the way you wanted it. The redone done site looks great as well. its so organized and easy to navigate. everything is right there in front of you, much improvement. Great job.

Re: Project Two Final Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:58 pm
by kiwakom
Good job!
I like your photo and layout. That's so clean.
I think the copyright is too big. It's not the main information, so you should make it small.

In your second project, I like the color choice and shadow.
Also, you did good job on the logo. The shadow makes it great.

Good job!
