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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:20 pm
by kiwakom
This is Kiwako.
This is my design so far.

I tried to make it simple because it's college website.

Design 2
I made circle icons on the cover page.
I will make some buttons to go back to cover page.

Since there are so many information about the program, I will make my website scroll.
I'm still working on font choices.

Re: Project3

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:22 pm
by rrodriguez

I like both designs, but rough one appeals to me more. The use of big photos mixed with a nice font really give your website a professional feel. I like rough two designs as well, because the circles break down all the information within six easy buttons to visit. I really like your font choices for projects, it's really easy to read. You could go either way with this project, or mix certain elements together to create one awesome one. Good start!

Re: Project3

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:15 pm
by paula_b
Hi Kiwako! I really like your designs. I like the cover of rough 1 and the inner page of rough 2. Both designs are clean with easy navigation. My only suggestion is to reconsider the white for a font choice. It looks great on my phone and Mac but gets a little lost on my laptop. No biggie, just something to take a look at. Good work!

Re: Project3

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:32 pm
by recordd
Hi Kiwako!
Awesome job on both roughs! I think either design would work because they both look professional and are easy to navigate through. Rough #1, has a simplistic and clean layout the would work for our GRC site. I really like the images that u chose and the navigation is easy to spot. Rough #2, I love the unique idea of circle images as the navigation, nice job :-) One sugyration that have is to add TMCC' contact info. Can't wait to see your final design!

Re: Project3

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:13 pm
by lingling_chen
Hi Kiwako
I agree with Rosa said, good job on both roughs, and I like your rough 1 more.


Re: Project3

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:10 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Kiwako,

I am enjoying your second layout it is very refined and I especially dig that chicks sweater. I think it has some great components for a lot of the web design we've been seeing lately. It has a gateway affect to it.
The color choices are pleasing to the eye and the information is spread out nicely to keep the viewer reading!


Re: Project3

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:57 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Kiwako,
I really like all your designs they look very professional!

I think I like the d2 designs a little more because of the circle photos.
I like that you did them in different color tints.
I like that idea and I think it looks good.

Good job,

Re: Project3

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:41 pm
by old_man_pat
Hi Kiwakao!
I like both designs. Overall, I find myself preferring rough 1. The home page has a professional feel, and reminds me of some professionally promoted designs I've been fond of. I also like the home page for design number 2, the color selection being the primary reason. What about finding a way to integrate those colors from design 2 into the inner pages of your first design? Also, I'm wondering about a colored background box for the white type on your first rough home page, and the TMCC logo? It seems as though your logo is split in a way that deemphasizes it's design as a cohesive whole. Perhaps the same color scheme as that in your 2nd home page would work for your inner pages on your first rough? Very nice work! I look forward to seeing what you decide to choose.

Re: Project3

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:00 pm
by dboudinot
I like your bottom layout. I like the 3 dimensional feel and the imagery. I would just try to add some consistency to the pages, but I feel smarter already just by looking at your comps.

Re: Project3

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:21 am
by Instructor
Oh. Looks like you've got a nice set of roughs, Kiwako.

I prefer your second design, both home and inner pages. The navigation and logo placement provide a strong continuity throughout your site. I have no trouble seeing or using the navigation and I can follow where I am on the website. The home page makes for a neat ad that asks an intriguing question. I'd probably choose a stronger, more evocative picture that implies design and reinforces the asked question.

The inner page is clean and easy to follow. I'd remove the multi-lighsource shadow/column thingies from your subheads and aside. They add a layer of complexity that I don't think you need for your design. Also, I'd make the image in the top bar color to reflect the already established color image on your home page.

I like the direction you're going here. Keep it up!