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Project Three Roughs

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:04 pm
by paula_b
Here are my roughs for project 3. Not really sure if I will use either one, just really needed to get something up. If I do go with one, I'm leaning toward rough 2. I want a clean simple design that will be straight forward in the content. I want to include more images but haven't had the time to take the photos yet. I'm thinking of putting the lizard on top of a text book, the one that Dan wrote! Haha!

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:11 am
by rrodriguez

I'm gonna have to agree with you, I like roughs 2 as well. Both layouts are clean and professional. But I tend to be drawn to roughs 2 because it's a little bit more easier to read. If I had to make one suggestion, it would be to add a subtle color for the buttons, nothing to bright. I'd pick a color from the photo on top, I think it would blend well with your already good layout. And the ipsums for the bios were funny. Good start (:

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:47 pm
by recordd
Hi Paula!!
Awesome job on both of your roughs girl! I'm with you though, I think I like rough #2 more than rough #1. I love your transparent header image with the black TMCC logo. It looks really good together. (Funny we used the same image for our header image lol :-) Your layout is a clean and simplistic design that is easy to read and navigate through. Your typography goes well together and I love your photo gallery it looks good. I would add TMCC's information to the footer and maybe add a hover color on the link in which page you are on...other than that I love it!

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:55 pm
by lingling_chen
Hi, Paula
I like your rough# 2 more. I especially like the artwork on your gallery rough, it is awesome!!
Good job!


Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:43 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Paula,,

I think you have two roughs that effectively present the information but I think it is lacking in communicating an idea. I think it should encapsulate the idea of graphic communication and present the different medias. This is a chance to create something that might inspire someone to join this program. Why did you enroll, what caught your attention to this subject?


Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:18 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Paula,
Good job with both your designs.
I think both design would work.

I think I like the rough1 designs a little more than the rough2 designs.
I like how you used the green, which I don’t really like, but I like how you did it!
Looks good with the lizard mascot.

Nice Job

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:24 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Paula,

I really like both your designs, but I think the banner in the bottom set adds visually interest and really represents TMCC well, so I would go with that design. I also like the placement of the nav bar more in the bottom layout. I don't no why putting it to the left or right makes navigation more interesting, but it totally does! Nice Work!

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:19 am
by kiwakom
I enjoyed both designs. Personally I like the rough 2. It's more professional.
I like the navigation bar. It's very clean design.

Good start!


Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:53 am
by Instructor
Now that's some seriously weird ipsum right there.

I prefer the second design. It's a nice clean layout that's easy to read through and doesn't get in the way of the information being presented. I like the framing element of the top and bottom picture bars. The top banner is a pleasing picture with a well placed logo. The navigation is large, easy to use, and lest's me know where I am in the site at a glance. Nice! I like the gekko as a fun little element throughout.

My only real issues are typographic. I don't like that one button is two lines while the others are one, either rename the two line button, or size all the buttons so that that button is one line. Also, don't vertically pinch the type in your navigation. Left justify your bodycopy, it'll look cleaner on this layout. Move your page title down a bit to that it's top aligned with the top of your buttons.

Good work!

Re: Project Three Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:21 pm
by schakarun714
Hey, im really liking the green layout better but i also really like the header you out on the second layout. You should try combining the two and see what you get. i think the TMCC green and the header would really compliment each other nicely.