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Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:44 pm
by recordd
Hi Everyone!
This is Danielle Record and I'm finally turning in my Project #3 Roughs for Preliminary Critique! For this project we were asked to re-design the TMCC Graphic Communications Program website. There were a few requirements that we had to include: which were the TMCC logo, Graphics Communication page title, & a minimum 5 webpages that included the program overview, instructors bio's, student work, courses, and degree/certificate information. I looked for inspiration right here on the forum and at other colleges graphic communication sites. This is what I came up with! Please leave any ideas, suggestion, comments, etc. Thank you for looking! :-)

I wanted to create something unique, visually appealing, and professional. I decided to use my favorite color blue for my color scheme. I did have a background image of the TMCC sign with a sunset but I felt that it was to cluttered with it. I took it off and I created a fixed solid black background with a transparent content box so that it popped out. I wanted to include my student work gallery on the homepage because I feel every students artwork should be showcased to promote the program (like every students website).

I decided to use a clean white background with an image of TMCC & Reno as my header image. I wanted my title to stand out so I used a unique font and created a branding logo for GRC. I liked the little lizard guy that came up in my search so I decided to use him with the TMCC logo. Since, I chose him I went with the green, white, & black color scheme.

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:26 am
by rrodriguez

I'm drawn to roughs 2 because of the imagery. The type layout for both roughs are laid neat and clean which does give it a professional look. But it's the photo on top from roughs 2 that enticed me more to want to continue reading the page. And like yourself, I'm a big fan of dark blue (if they had a cult for it, I'd definitely join). How would you feel combining elements from roughs 1, like the color scheme, into roughs 2?

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:45 am
by paula_b
Hi Danielle, I cast my vote for rough 1. It's very clean and different. Rough 2 feels crowded to me. Maybe lighten the background color a bit and add the image in the header from rough 2, just shorten the height. Good start my friend!

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:19 am
by lingling_chen
Hi Danielle
I like your rough1 more, but I think the color choice on your rough 2 is better for this project.
Anyway, good job!


Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:58 pm
by Sierragirlnv
Hi Danielle,

I think you have two very different ideas for project three. I like the blue/grey color scheme but I think it is missing some images or element to dress it up just a little, maybe an accent color or something to make it stand out.


Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:26 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Danielle,
Good job on both your designs.

I like your rough 2 designs more.
I think the layout is very effective.
It looks good with the font and lizard mascot.

Nice Job,

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:18 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Danielle,

I think you did a good job with both roughs. I'm leaning towards the top set because I think it's a strong layout, and I like the GRC in the bottom corner, but you might consider adding another color to you color scheme if you decide to go with that design. Nice Work!

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:07 am
by kiwakom
I enjoyed both designs. Personally I like the rough 1 design.
I like the student work gallery on the homepage. I think it's idea to promote the program.

I think you can make the GRC logo better.

Good start!


Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:32 am
by Instructor
Got a nice little second design going here. The first one is just blah.

The second design is a very clean, easy to follow layout. I like the strong pictographic top bar and that cave painting Flinstone font for the top amuses me. Good call. The navigation is large and easy to follow in a well placed navigation bar. The type is easy to read and I especially like the green drop shadow on your headlines. Nice use of the TMCC gekko as a unifying element. A nice layout.

The biggest problem I have with it is too many fonts. I do like the Flinstone type in the top bar, so that stays. Pick two fonts, one a bold type for navigation, headlines and footer, and the second a much lighter type, for bodycopy. I'd recommend sans-serif typefaces for both. Also, left justify your bodycopy. Don't forget to vertically center your navigation as well, it's a little close to the top of the nav bar right now.

Good work. I want to see what it looks like as a real website.

Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:24 pm
by schakarun714
Most deff liking the second layout better. It looks more like a schools web page than the first one. i like the header and use of color.