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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:12 pm
by sara_kennedy1
Hey my name is Sara kennedy, as you know I'm a twin so don't feel bad if you get my name wrong. I love to learn new things and thrive to be creative. I have a passion for painting and drawing so if you want to check out my work I have an Instagram account called Art_Entwined.
I can't wait to learn what this class has to offer and to get to know everyone!
Thanks for reading!

Re: hellooooo

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:56 pm
by Instructor
Hello there, Sara. Welcome to the GRC 175 asylum where we'll learn you web design or drive you insane in the process. If you're really lucky, maybe both.

You've got a good creative sense there. I want to see what your creativity makes of the various projects I'm going to throw your way this semester. I always like seeing how different people's creative processes attack the challenges posed by the projects.

I hope you have a good time this semester and learn lots of interesting stuff.