
Please introduce yourself here. C'mon, don't be shy!
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Post by natsukigrc175 »

Hi, my name is Natsuki Tonuma, some call me nat. I came to Reno about 2 years ago from Japan by myself since my interest to study abroad.
I love travel, food, sports, and especially art such as photography, printmaking, painting, and drawing. Always love to learn new stuff too, so I am very looking forward to design a web by myself.
Actually I hold a stereotype about web design like its hard and all about code... :shock: but I expect this class makes it easier on me!
Glad to know all you guys and professor Michael Ganschow-Green. Kiwako, student in your class at last semester, recommended me to take your class because your explanation is very clear and she could get how to design the web very easily, so again I'm so excited to take this class! :D
Natsuki Tonuma

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Re: Hello!

Post by Computer Lover »

Hello, Natsuki! Happy to have you with us. n_n

From personal experience, the web design side of website building is a little easier to do than from the coding side. Although HTML 5 is supposedly easier than its predecessor 4. Either way. I can't wait to see your work for this class, and hopefully it gets easier for you.
- Starla Houck

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Re: Hello!

Post by Instructor »

Welcome to GRC 175, Nat. Don't worry too much about the code, I'll be explaining it pretty carefully and I've provided lots of references in the Resources subforum. The first few classes will be going over theory and designing web graphics in Photoshop to ease you into website building. Also feel free to ask questions of me and your fellow students, that'll help your learning process and ours. Don't forget to run your questions by Kiwako as well. She knows the material as well as any student I've ever had. Enjoy your time here, you'll learn so much.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
