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Post by seancl123 »

Hey my name is Sean
I think web design is what I want to do for a career, so this class is kinda going to make my mind up if I want to pursuer web design. Art has never been my strong suit, but I am extremely hard working and I have over come every obstacle in my way, which made me a lot better at art and creativity. I can not wait to learn along side everyone this semester and try to help if I can.
Sean Lee

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Re: Zup

Post by Instructor »

Zup, yo.

I wouldn't really sweat the art skills thing. Art skills help, but what you really need is layout skills. If you can acquire those, as well as learn the programming languages behind web design, you'll bee good to go.

Welcome to GRC 175, sir. You're going to learn so much here. Feel free to ask questions of me or your fellow students. Enjoy your time in the class.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
