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Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:21 pm
by Lundholm
It's not on my student server space yet. I've got it on my personal space.
It is almost done. But not quite.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:24 pm
by ashleighP
I think its coming along really well! My one nitpicky thing is the type you used for the body copy is very hard to read, so you might want to swap it for something more legible? Other than that it looks great!

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:05 pm
by olddragon
I agree, the type for that copy is not quite right.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:09 pm
by Lundholm
I used a lamborghini typeface because the car is a lamborghini, but I get what you're saying. I should use that for other stuff but the body copy should be something easier to read.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:51 pm
by olddragon
The rest of it is great. I love the car.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:11 pm
by brienicole
ya I agree the type is a bit squished. If its Italisized maybe make it regular, that my help. Or play with another one. Other than that its coming along. The cut off on the photo is a bit distracting. Maybe a frame or gradient mask to help that out.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:25 pm
by smith206
Looks good. Couple things I noticed. Are the dots on the upper right of the page on purpose? because they look like a mistake. Another thing your project 2 and 3 rollovers do not work but Im sure its just because you haven't done them yet. Other than that a slight problem is the picture you took of yourself is not cut out very well. You can see that you were on a white or light colored background. Not sure how well your Photoshop skills are or if you even care that much to fix it, because its a pain in the ass so I don't blame you if you dont feel like fixing it. Last thing the car on the bottom is cut off before you see the bottom of the tires, might be because of the picture you used or whatever but just a small thing.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:52 am
by Lundholm
The dots on the upper right are not on purpose but Photoshop didn't save my image with the slices intact like it was supposed to and if I reselect the slices they won't be separated in exactly the same place. If I fix the dots on the upper right now it would throw off the whole design so I'm just going to say it was an intentional design choice. But between you and me what actually happened was I forgot that that gradient to the right was part of the banner slice so I saved the banner slice as a two color gif. Oops. Lesson learned in the future, be more careful about slicing and saving.

I am not going to set up the project 2 and 3 links as rollovers until they are actual links. That way people are less likely to get confused and think they're supposed to go somewhere. LOL

As for the picture, I figured it's good enough.. I don't know why there's a white line around it but it was actually on a dark background before. I can show you the original picture if you want.

As for the car photo clipping off the bottom of the tires, that was because of the picture I used. Personally if I was taking my own pictures for a site I would have chosen to catch all the tires so they don't look flat or popped, but oh well.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:07 am
by Lundholm
By the way I changed the body copy by deleting it entirely from the picture formed by the body copy slice and adding body copy text in Dreamweaver. if you want to check it out again.

Re: Almost done, check it out.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:02 am
by brienicole
Nathan that body copy is 100% better! and fyi you can go back into your psd and resave that slice as a png24 with the same name and it will ovrwrite the old one. Its actually pretty easy. If you have skype ( for screen sharing) Im on there as brianne porterfield if you want to add me and Im more than willing to help.