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Hello Everyone.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:32 am
by japanese_panda
Hello everyone, I am Yoshiki.

I am thinking to graduate next semester, so two more semesters left!

This is my first web design class, actually we learned some web design at dan's class a little.

I start working at open lab and sound booth from this semester. when you see me, please say hello!

thank you

Re: Hello Everyone.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:10 am
by Computer Lover
Hello, Yoshiki, I'm Starla! Can't wait to see your work for the websites this course. This kind of my first web design class as well even if other classes have taught a little bit of it before.

Re: Hello Everyone.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:07 pm
by Instructor
I'm not going to wait until I see you in the labs, I'm going to say hello right now. Hello Yoshiki. ;)

Welcome to GRC 175. I have so much to teach you. I hope you use the skills you'll pick up in this class to expand your creativity. Feel free to ask me or your fellow students any questions you might have. That will help catalyze your learning process. Enjoy your time in the class. I'll certainly have fun teaching it.