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Casual Encounters ;) BBW 4 LTR

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:22 am
by Oreo_Chaos
Im Matt, 25 year old graphics student at TMCC, I hope to make comic books, films and video games. I enjoy taking my 6 cats out for walks, followed by skinny dipping in the Sparks Marina. If you love Dungens and Dragons as much as I do and want to level-grind all night long send me those digits....


Re: Casual Encounters ;) BBW 4 LTR

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:06 am
by Computer Lover
Comics, films, and video games?! That's cool. Can't wait to see your personal website for this class then. Those are all cool themes, and perhaps an interest of mine as well. Haha.

Nice to meet you! I'm Starla. n_n

Re: Casual Encounters ;) BBW 4 LTR

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:26 am
by Oreo_Chaos
It's hard beasue I walk all six at one time, a real "cat-o-nine tails" eh?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:33 pm
by Computer Lover
Yeah. It's hard to maintain so many interests. At least you have options. A lot better than being stuck or stubborn to one thing.

I'm particularly interested in character designing and things of the sort myself.

Re: Casual Encounters ;) BBW 4 LTR

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:01 am
by Instructor
Casual Encounters! Is that all we are to you? A fall fling? Image *sigh* Fine. The rest of us were looking for more, but ... just ... fine.
Oreo_Chaos wrote:It's hard beasue I walk all six at one time, a real "cat-o-nine tails" eh?
Now, far be it for me to quibble at such an early point, but would that not be a "cat-o-six tails"? Just saying.

But seriously, welcome to GRC 175. This kind of spirit will serve you well. I look forward to seeing what sorts of websites you'll show us all.