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Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:39 pm
by NevadaCowgirl
I picked these two websites because they will help with enhancing and designing web sites. ... 22569.html

I have two different designs with the navigation bars in different places. I may change the design as the semester progresses.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:33 pm
by natsukigrc175
You use mostly the same color for both design, so I want to see one of them in other color scheme. Anyways I like the second one for the placement because I can find icons easily!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:22 pm
by j.alexis93
I like the second better because it's easier to navigate through, but I would actually use the background from the first one because it's easier to read.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:58 am
by Ka80kins
I like the second one too its easier to read. I do like all the colors you picked too!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:27 pm
by ravennvrmre
I like the bottom one better, the top one your navigation is too big, it looks like part of the tile. I do like the saying you have in the top one, maybe mix tiles, Amy’s A to Z web design. I think the colors flow better with the bottom than the top, but either way I would put your information in a box so it stands out from the background and is easier to read. I noticed you don’t have a picture in the bottom one though, maybe scrunch it and have it on the other side or the bottom.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:30 am
by moserary
The first one is easier to read, but the navigation is hidden in the title. Also, It's hard to find your name.

Are those the same fonts for the titles and the body copy? It's tedious...

The colors are gorgeous and I love the texture on the second one, but it does make it difficult to read the text.

Nice start, Amy!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:35 am
by japanese_panda
you have similar composition and color scheme.

I think first one is better, because of pictures.

you can use more dynamic picture! I think it will be much better.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:47 pm
by daveryjones
Your bottom layout is coming along better than the top one. I think the color change in the top one is too abrupt and I find it distracting while the bottom colors seem to flow better. Also, your functionality on the second one is more user friendly. The top rough's links and headline clash and the image seems like an after thought because it is just floating in space. I also like the fact that you chose to use a simpler typeface for your body copy in the second rough.

Good start

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:00 pm
by Game of Potters
These two layouts seem very much the same, so there's not much choice between them.

That said, the lower one is easier to navigate. In the top design, the navigation bar gets lost in the script font. At first glance, they look like an extension of the head line. Both designs are also very heavy in body copy, so I would be careful to make sure your line lengths aren't too long when your site goes live. The eye gets tired if the line exceeds more than three or four inches long, I believe.

That said, I think the background in the bottom design is more visually interesting. Don't be afraid to add in some images!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:13 pm
by Instructor
Oooh, gradient fun time.

I like your second one the best. I think it has the best layout, typography, and color scheme. Go with that one. I like the complex brushed metallic gradient in the background. It adds motion and visual interest to your design. The layout is clean, simple and easy to follow. The navigation is large and easy to use. The headline type and body copy work well together. And the navigation and body copy have good unity that ties them together.

I think you have two fonts two many though. I'd see what it looks like with the font from the top bar used in the navigation and small text at the bottom. Also, I'd use a few photos in your design that help visually describe what you're about, like the horse picture in your first design.

Nice work. I love the motion of the second one. Keep building on that!