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Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:29 pm
by j.alexis93
For my first design, I wanted a sleek, modern look. I played with asymmetry by placing a large dominant graphic on one side and giving the other side a lot of breathing space. The coloring in the background was done with a two color gradient and I chose to go with green and blue-green because they are analogous colors.

For my second design, I wanted a subtle design with a slight vintage feel. I chose to go with a beige background with sandy texture to give it that vintage look that I was looking for. On some of my buttons, I tried to mimic the look of a scrap-booking sticker. The choice of navy blue for my graphics was made because I felt like it was a nice contrast and complement to the beige background.

I know the requirement was two roughs, but I just couldn't narrow it to two designs. Sorry.

For the last design, I wanted a clean and simplistic look. I chose to have all my information within a vertical bar, so that it's easy to find and easy to read. When it comes to my color choices, I chose to go with green simply because it's my favorite color. For the small, decorative graphics, I wanted a color that complemented the green very well, so I went with orange.

Here are the two websites that inspired me. They both have clean and simple designs, which I happen to prefer.

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:50 pm
by NevadaCowgirl
I personally like the first one. The font color needs to be a little bit bigger and darker but still go with you color theme.

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:01 pm
I really like the third one. I love the perspective of the buildings and the color you used and tinted in the background. I also feel the font choice and allignment is pleasing to the eye. Sick job mang

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:05 pm
by Ka80kins
You definitely have color scheme down! I like all three of your designs but the one that I connect with is the first one. The second one is really nice too, its more calming and easy to navigate so you choose!

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:02 pm
by sara_kennedy1
I like all of them, my favorite is the second one because I like the tan and blue background. but what about creating your signature or a logo to bring the art work together in illustrator or photoshop? I think you're very talented and it would improve your work to another level.

Sara Kennedy

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:16 pm
by natsukigrc175
It's tough to choose one of three because all look great, but I would choose the first one or third one because of the style. I like these clean looking and how you place the design elements such as lines. Easy to navigate and feel so good to see! Your work is always awesome and I'm big fun of your work:)

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:55 am
by lsimgrc175
I like the first and the third one--maybe if the third one had a background for the text like the first, or just bigger font? The first one seems easier to read but the third one has a cooler background imo

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:36 pm
by punkassbookjockey
I like the first one exactly as it is. The colors are great, and it looks very professional.

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:49 pm
by ravennvrmre
Really professional designs, I think you should go with the top most design. It gives you more room for buttons than the bottom most does, however, I’m partial to the color green. For the top most design, you might consider dropping down the email address and tmcc stuff, it looks like its floating since you have the line for the white text box next to it. You might also consider flipping your design so the buttons are on the left (that’s where most people look for them), though I don’t think it would confuse anyone since your layout it really spacious.

Re: Projetc #1 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:26 pm
by Blackfïsk
Ohhhh I like the second one, very nice. I also Love your Logo font. Nice work!