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Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:41 pm
by Game of Potters
In my research, a lot of the portfolio websites I viewed were very image heavy, and a lot of the websites seemed to be applying the grid system. Many had image links that were clean and squared off. The two that inspired me the most however were and

The Lounge Lizard site is a classic example of the one page layout design. This site inspired me with the great use of color and text, but especially the responsive header, and the responsive links to their work. When you click on the logos of the companies they’ve worked for, the logo pops up and has a nice animation before the viewer reaches the gallery for that particular project.

Nicolas Borreil’s site also has artistic reactive elements: color washes over the icons for his projects on hover, and the birds moving behind and around the title is one of my favorite elements. The numbers for his projects cycle on a hover as well, and its small touches like that that makes it seem “professional” to me.

In this concept, I would like for the three bottom squares to emulate these responsive elements, and have each be a link to a project of mine. My plan is to have the website be one page, with each section hyperlinked to the correct portion of the page. The most difficult part of that though, is that the website will have to be responsive, and respond correctly to the size of the screen the site is being viewed on. If this proves too daunting a task, I’ll have the links be simple hyperlinks to new pages.

My second concept is similar. Each of the flower icons will be snap shots of a project or future site, and the squares next to them, when hovered, will reveal a short blurb about the project. I’m not entirely in love with the colors, but I wanted to do something different with the traditional blue and orange I always go with. If I have time, I would like to add a few illustrative elements, or design a logo to match the site.

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:06 pm
by j.alexis93
I like the second one simply because it reminds me of a movie poster. I think the colors that you chose contrast each other very well.

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:58 pm
by lsimgrc175
I think the colors and the checkerboard design of the first one are more interesting to look at.

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:09 pm
I really like the second one. THe layout and color choices work well together. I would suggest lightening up the body copy text. You cant read it because of contrast issues

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:45 am
by NevadaCowgirl
The first rough is very nice and I like how you used green and peach colors.

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:01 am
by japanese_panda
I think top one is better.

but I do not know why you did pick flower images. you can pick your favorite dynamic images which shows your personality!

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:05 am
by moserary
The first one draws my attention with its alternating boxes. Then, I can see flowers in the boxes that don't have text. Then, another natural image over on the body of the site, so exciting!! (Sorry, I do love Nature...)

Then, I look at the second one, so dark, but I manage to find a natural image buried in the (seemingly) bottom.

The first one calls me back. It's color scheme is interesting and the page is well organized, visually stimulating and easy to read and navigate.

However, as Yoshiki commented, if you have your own graphics why not use them in the alternating boxes? Are these your own photos?

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:32 pm
by daveryjones
The green layout is more visually appealing for sure. I find that the layout is unique yet not overwhelming. I would work on your color contrast because I find it hard to read the white text on the bright peach/salmon colored boxes. Good use of imagery but make sure your colors and imagery are not competing for attention. Great start on your website, keep up the good work :)

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:14 pm
by Instructor
I don't know who Loren Ipsum is, but it sounds like she knows how to party!

Put me down for Concept 1, the dark blue one. I really like the contrast used in it. It looks like a horror movie poster. Nice use of complimentary colors (blue and orange) as well. The different tints of orange add a visual texture to it that helps interest the eye. The navigation is large and easy to follow. Nice use of opacity on your nav bar. I like the type choice as well. It feels like a dark reflection of a Better Homes & Gardens magazine cover.

The bodycopy should be either white or a super pale version of that orange. I'm losing it in the dark blue. Lose the darker bottom boxes, too. I think you can do okay without those. The background pic is dark enough. Also, where's the drop shadow on the ampersand?

Nice work. Keep building on this.

Re: Project One, Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:52 pm
by Game of Potters
moserary wrote:The first one draws my attention with its alternating boxes. Then, I can see flowers in the boxes that don't have text. Then, another natural image over on the body of the site, so exciting!! (Sorry, I do love Nature...)

Then, I look at the second one, so dark, but I manage to find a natural image buried in the (seemingly) bottom.

The first one calls me back. It's color scheme is interesting and the page is well organized, visually stimulating and easy to read and navigate.

However, as Yoshiki commented, if you have your own graphics why not use them in the alternating boxes? Are these your own photos?
They are my own photos, yes, but I was planning on using snapshots of my own work in their place.