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Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:40 pm
by nicolemae09
I am Ashley Anderson and you are viewing my final material for project 1.

For this assignment I really felt it was important that people could find pieces of me through out in this web page. I wanted to keep a sleek design that was not to busy but still had some interesting direction for the eye. I felt that a moving photo strip on the left side of the page was a great start for this. When a person opens my page this will be one of the first things they will see. They will see my photography, paintings and graphics in this spot. Everything will in a violet hue greyscale but when the photos are scrolled over the strip will stop moving and that photo will then have its full color. You will be able to click here to see the full piece along with a description. I really enjoy my name at the top of the page in a handwritten font so people automatically know whose work they are looking at. I wanted to keep my layout in a greyscale because this is just kind of who I am but with hints of a purple hue to show some personality is there.

Thank you :)

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:31 pm
by j.alexis93
I think this design is working really well. The floral designs in the back give it an elegant look.
I would just justify the body type.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:17 pm
by moserary
I agree with Alexis. The color scheme is unique and sophisticated. The type, however, does need some organization, it seems to be random. This seems to be a great start!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:03 am
I think this is working really well. I don't think the pics on left need to roll into the footer, but they look awesome in greyscale. I would justify your body copy.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:57 pm
by natsukigrc175
Nice work. I like how you use the color and feel nice to look at it. Like the idea of slides of pictures. I would justify the body copy and other than that go for it:)

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:13 am
by daveryjones
This is a really nice and clean layout. I agree with everybody else with the fact that your color scheme is working well. If I were to 'nitpick' anything, I feel like the apostrophe in your signature is too heavy for the loose script type. But really, that's the only thing that caught my eye. Great work!

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:31 pm
by ravennvrmre
Really nice images but I think the greyish purple in the background looks a little off next to your full greyscale pictures on the left. Can’t put my finger on why though, maybe tint them purple too. I like the swirl design in the background, it adds a nice touch. You might also think about changing your footer color, it stands out quite a bit since its white (maybe to the light grey background color in the top box). I like the font you used for your name I think it’s a nice touch against the other font for digital portfolio. Looks really nice.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:43 pm
by Instructor
The real strength of this layout is it's visual texture. The victorian tribal shape in the background adds depth and intrigue to an otherwise simple and clean layout. The filmstrip to the left is a strong visual anchor that establishes a starting point for the eye to examine the rest of the layout. The logo at the top is a nice blend of serif and script types. The navigation is large enough and is easy to follow and use. I also like the subtle use of accent color.

Just a couple of issues with the design as I see it. Your email link in the bottom right should have been a bit smaller to work with the social media links better. Also, your links in footer would have worked better horizontally. I think a lighter font for your body copy might have worked a bit better there too.

Good work! I really like the texture of the piece.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:20 am
by sierra_style
I like it it is very visually interesting to look at! I think the several layers of the design is working very well can't wait to see it fully developed.

Re: Project 1 Critique

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:33 pm
by japanese_panda
nice work ashley.

but bottom part link looks different site a little bit. you can pick nice typography to make it unity