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project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:24 pm
by sara_kennedy1
heres my project one, thanks for all the help. let me know if i need to fix anything!

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:20 pm
by natsukigrc175
Nice work! I like how it turned out! I like your logo and whole design layout. I would just align the bottom line of the both of the text in footer. That helps a lot and other than that looks perfect for me:)

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:57 am
by nicolemae09
I really like your design and layout. I like the embellishment background a lot but maybe you could find one that is a little bit higher res. The background now just looking a little pixelated and blurred.

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:17 am
by daveryjones
This design is coming along nicely. In my opinion, your header is a little too big which causes the empty space next to your logo to look a bit off. Also, I would suggest that you do not center your body copy text.

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:02 pm
by ravennvrmre
I really like your design, it clean and yet elegant while still showing you personality. I agree with Natsuki, the footer looks a bit off, your email looks like it’s on a higher “line”. You might also think about adding your name next to your logo so there’s not so much empty space up there and people can better associate your logo with your name. I really like you background, the fussiness makes it look like velvety texture, which I think adds to your design. Great job.

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:05 pm
by NevadaCowgirl
Very nice job Sara. I really like your design. I do have to agree that the wording in the footer needs to be inline with each other.

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:08 am
by sierra_style
I really like your layout. I think that the black and white make your whole page look very dramatic in a good way. I think a little bit more alignment on the footer may help. It is a very good photo of you and how the background goes from light to dark is visually interesting. Nice work! :)

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:04 pm
by moserary
The background, to me, is old-fashioned, fuzzy wallpaper. Not sure if that's what you wanted, but for me it evoks "old" Nevada, a good thing!

The difference in fonts on the footer elements did not catch my eye, but after reading everyone's comments I took another look. It is different, but probably not noticeable to anyone other than a graphic designer. Your logo, however, would be even more (if it's possible) distinct if the arrow pointed to your e-mail...just a thought...

Very grown-up and classy work!

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:05 pm
by japanese_panda
I like your concept, but the words in navigation button should be upper a little bit. bottom of wards are almost touching to the edge.

Re: project one for sara kennedy

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:28 pm
by Instructor
Wow! Very nice work. This design is absolutely dependent on contrast and it uses it masterfully. The layout itself is very simple, but is enhanced by the pattern in the background. That pattern reminds me of old wallpaper in some semi-restored hotel like the one in Barton Fink. The type compliments this antique look and feel very well, but it's still easy to read and see. Your logo is well placed and serves to point people down through your design.

Two things that I see that could have been improved. One, I think your navigation would have looked a little better if it had been vertically centered. Two, your TMCC info should have been on the same baseline as your email address.

Otherwise this is a fantastic design and layout. I really look forward to seeing what you design on the other projects we do.