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Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:02 pm
by NevadaCowgirl
Here are my two different roughs for prelim critique.

First set of roughs are with a black background.

The second set of roughs are with the colors from the logo.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:37 pm
by j.alexis93
They're both working pretty well. They seem like different variations instead of two completely different designs, but I really like the western feel that you have going. I would go with the first design, but I would make the body type lighter because its hard to read.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:46 pm
by Blackfïsk
The second Idea on the homepage works really well. I'm not sure what happened with the second page, your banner no longer stretches the whole page and the text is like bleeding from the edge.

Also maybe make the banner a bit smaller and extend the brown across the page, and add something fun to look at in the information page instead of just a block of text.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:51 pm
by daveryjones
I like the top design better but your body copy font is too dark so it is hard to read. Once you sort out that contrast issue, it could turn into a good design. Keep up the good work :)

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:23 pm
I like the first one and think the layout is working very well. You have some major contrast issues going on with your links and body copy. I would suggest making the links a lighter value against such a dark backround. It would also help to make your links a different font or color from everything else so that it is easier to distinguish between the 2.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:45 pm
by natsukigrc175
I like how you created your logo and the texture of your header behind the text. As everyone suggests, I would go with the first one too and change the color of the body copy because its hard to read now.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:07 pm
by Instructor
I think the top design is working a bit better than the bottom one.

Your top design is dark, which means it will serve as a great background for any forthcoming images you want to place in there. I like the textured leather band across your top bar. The logo is very nice as well. It looks like a metal fitting with a nice flourish in the leather. The typography on your logo works very well too. A good contrast between sans-serif and serif type. The texture and lighting really serve to highlight the logo and draw the eye down to your content below.

A few things to help your design out. One, reduce the font size on everything by 25%. Two, choose a different font. Maybe look into a nice serif type like you have in your logo. Three, make your type a lighter color so we can read it. Four, you need to establish some sort of distance, both visually and design wise from your navigation. My suggestion would be a nice wide gutter between your navigation and your bodycopy. Five, lots and lots of photography. What really sells a business or product on a website is photos. People typically only skim text. You need to put in photos on this design to illustrate the leather products this place makes. Gather as many images as you can.

A good start!

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:07 pm
by punkassbookjockey
I like the dark background of the first design, but you need to work on the contrast. Also, even though there is a photo gallery, I think there should be pictures showcasing their work at least on the home page. One of their best pieces to highlight their skills.

Re: Project 2 Prelim Critique

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:51 am
by japanese_panda
I think top design will work better !

you should work contrast issue on body copy.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:48 pm
by Computer Lover
While the two concepts are a tad similar in design, I find myself drawn to the second one more. Not only is it easier to read, but I like the clean-cut feel it has and the design makes it feel professional. My biggest recommendation would be to pick one main font and role with it. Its okay if the links differ, but its disorienting with two different types.