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Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:19 pm
by daveryjones
If you have yet to see the horrible website that I am remaking, the link is below but I must warn you that it may make your head hurt with the ridiculous use of links.

With my designs, of course I have a preference (as I am sure you can tell by the detail and progression of the design) but here are my thoughts.

The first design is based upon the traditional use of black and white within the James Bond franchise. I find it to be a bit hard on the eyes but nonetheless, it is simplistic and easy to navigate.

On the other hand, my second design enhancing the classy and wealthy ideals of the Bond franchise. The gold accents the black suit texture. I think the images add a touch of richness. I am debating whether or not to make the images inside my inner pages black and white as well.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everybody :)

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:57 pm
by Blackfïsk
The gold looks better and I think that style you're going for works really well. But the gold you're using now looks really bad. I would look at websites like or and I would also use some super super luxourious textures in the site, things like: ... 0x1080.jpg ... mage13.png ... lpaper.jpg

Also James bond needs some metallic girls I would google that and add something ... NESTRA.jpg

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:09 pm
by punkassbookjockey
I like the gold you have chosen, and I'm torn between the two. On the one hand the gold design has that James Bond class, but the bond swirl... I love the swirl. I would try to get a touch of that gold into the b/w or the swirl into the gold design. Also, the picture of the Bonds is awesome, use it!

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:20 pm
Nice job. I really like the layout and backround texture for the layout rough 2. I would suggest trying to up the opacity in the 50 years of bond, but still keep part of it falling behind the heads of the different bonds. the original website was so heinous it made my eyes hurt

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:41 pm
by j.alexis93
I would go with the second one simply because the swirl is so eye catching. I agree with Jena about adding some gold to it. The white box that you have seems a little unnecessary, I would just have the text be white.

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 1:02 pm
by natsukigrc175
I really like both! I like how you layout the picture in inside page of the first rough. but I also like the second rough too because its eye catchy. I think you can go with whichever you want. Either works pretty well I think.

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:18 am
by Instructor
Welp, looks like you've got two equally viable designs here, Avery. I really like your second one, but the first one is quite good as well.

The first one looks like a Monaco casino website, which is entirely in keeping with the subject matter, I would say. I like the use of the gold pillars as a content framing device. The logo is large and easy to see. The navigation is easy to use and maintains consistency with the type in the rest of the design. I also like the subtlety of the tuxedo fabric background. It adds a nice little detail that really boosts the design of the website. The photo collage on the front page is fun as well. Very much in keeping with Bond and all that he stands for.

I only have two real bones to pick with it. One, the gold accent pillars shouldn't be glowing. I think a black outer glow to give them some depth off the tuxedo texture would look much more "classy". In fact, loose the glows elsewhere on the website as well. Two, remove the gold box from behind the bodycopy on your inner page. I think the type would show on the tuxedo fabric just fine all on it's own.

This second one, though. This second one. You've absolutely nailed the opening credits of a bond movie. Very evocative of the simple sixties style the early ones had. The barrel rifling is awesome and moved the eye through the design. It doesn't hurt that the visual center on your homepage is the silhouette of bond in the barrel of a gun. The logos are large and easy to read. The navigation is easy to read and follow. The branding carries over very well from page to page. This one is absolutely my favorite. Perhaps that's just because I'm a sucker for contrast, but I like the simplicity and the callback to oldschool Bond. I can hear the James Bond theme in my head when I look at it. Awesome!

My only issue on this one is the white type box on your inner page. Make the type container transparent and reverse the type out white against the black background.

You've got two really excellent designs here. And while I personally prefer your rifled design, both would look very good as websites. Excellent work!

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:53 am
by japanese_panda
I like bottom one, it makes me to dive into James bond!

I think you can make background image wider, which can extend behind navigation button!

Good Work! Avery!

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:39 pm
by Computer Lover
I adore the first rough a lot, it feels very much like what it's showcasing and the color scheme works really well together. I like the images provided, as it aids to the color scheme. I don't feel a whole lot is wrong with it.

Re: Project #2 Preliminary Critique 007

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:22 pm
by ravennvrmre
Hands down my favorite is the bottom design, its iconic to the bond franchise, though all of the bonds in the top design is a really nice touch too, so both could work great. I don’t have any negative comments or something to change, it’ll just come down to which one you think works best. Great start.