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Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:22 pm
by anna_lyse
So my website that I am redesigning for this project was a complete and utter mess. Here's the link to glimpse what I had to work with:

I decided to tear apart the whole website and try something different to make it more appealing. What I researched a lot of was church websites. A lot of what I found while researching was these church websites used strong imagery, which my website had nothing of. So instead I tried to do some the colors of my site like light values ideas for one and earthy tones for another. I also stuck to really simple text just because I want everything to be readable. My only problem is I think the colors I chose for my text make everything unreadable.


Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:08 pm
by Blackfïsk
Okay so... wait what? Is the original website Christian or anti-christian? I'm so confused, it said it was a 'religion free' religion that promotes the teachings of Jesus... which is a religion, and a very big one at that... also do they know anything about the other religions they posted in that photo? First of all Buddhism doesn't have a God... ugh smh. The abrahamic religions SHARE the same God... yes that includes Christian/Muslim and Jewish faiths.

SO BESIDES THAT HORRENDOUS WASTE OF MY LIFE, your designs are so much cleaner than the original, good job, just please make sure you fact check your website, even religious beliefs have historical facts.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:42 am
by daveryjones
I think the second design is more visually appealing. The crosses behind your links make them hard to read and distracting so I would probably take those completely out. Keep working though to add some depth to the site. It is very 'flat' right now.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:58 am
by j.alexis93
The second design works better for me. Everything seems to organized pretty well and the gold color helps it give it a religious vibe. I have to agree with Avery on the crosses. I also feel like the background shouldnt be one single color.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:22 pm
I think the second layout works better than the first. I would suggest making the words for the links fit inside of the cross and make the crosses overall bigger. That way the contrast issues would be fixed in the links.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:18 pm
by natsukigrc175
Second one is more interesting to look at. I like your color use too. I think you can use the cross behind your navigation as a rollover icon. That help making it less busy!

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:05 am
by Instructor
I'd say your second design is working better out of the two.

Your second design has a clean, simple layout that's easy to follow and conveys it's information well. The colors are pleasing to the eye and reflect warmth and invitation. The imagery at the top reinforces the warmth and humility present in the rest of the design. The typeface works well with the design, keeping the "helping hand" feeling going.

Watch your margins to the right of your navigation. I'd also see if you can size the type on your navigation so each of your buttons have one line of type.

I think you could in fact use more evocative imagery. What you've created with your second design is a very nice church website. As far as I can tell though the site you're redesigning thinks that organized religion is a tool of the New World Order and that everyone should flee their religion and start a conspiracy free version of the Universalist Church (I think? Hard to tell with that one). So it's more of a call to action than a traditional church website. Feel free to get more evocative/provocative with your imagery and layout, if you dare.

You've got a good start going here. Time to push it a little further.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:18 pm
by punkassbookjockey
The 2nd choice has a definite Christian feel to it. I agree with Avery that the crosses behind the words are not well placed, but I would move them rather than removing them as they are key to that faith. I would try adding some texture to the brown background to give it some depth.

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:00 am
by japanese_panda
I think second design will work better.

You have low legibility type on button because of contrast issue!

Nice work!

Re: Project 2 Prelim

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:50 pm
by Computer Lover
The second one, hands down. First is too boxy. I would much prefer the colors of the first one for the second, and I think the gaps are uneven, so when you hash it out, to make them spaced more neatly. I enjoy the font selections otherwise, and the image is great.