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Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:21 am
by nikkihillman
Hi everyone, the website that I'm redesigning is for Eclipse Pizza Company. Here's their website now: ... lcome.html

It's obviously made by someone who doesn't know much about web design... so I hope I can actually help them out.

For my first concept, it's a very traditional pizza website style. Big header image and straight forward, I don't think I'll keep the footer like that though. I messed around with their logo a little bit to make it work for what I had pictured in my head. I've also shown an example of a drop-down menu style I could do. For my second design, I kept the new logo style and put a different spin on the website. I related it more to the business' identity and threw some fun line drawings in there of bikes and pizza and added some spontaneity in my design. I'm leaning towards my second one more, I kind of like the vintage touch. How about you guys?

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:09 pm
by natsukigrc175
Wow looks great! I like both actually lol. but I would choose the first one because I like seeing picture of pizza that made me hungry.
They looks like actual website. Well done:) For the first rough, I would just work on drop down menu; I would like to see the font with exactly same size on each box.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:35 pm
by Blackfïsk
"Made on a Mac" had me rolling on the fucking floor, I can't even.

They are both really well developed! I'm really impressed, I would actually just use those awesome simple graphics like the bike and pizza on the first design and just have them populate a big footer or the background, and use the varying spot color of that peach.

Also the information panel is a bit bland, maybe doing something to you H1 "About US" text, some kind of banner or underlining element, but not too geometric, add some organic lines in there.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:13 pm
by daveryjones
I like the layout and set up of the first design but the pizza and bike illustrations on the second design are awesome! I would try combining the two designs to create one kick ass website! Good job :)

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:34 pm
I like the top layout and design because the pizza looks delicious which is what I want to see on a pizza website. I would suggest combing them with the bike illustrations from second layout.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:09 am
by j.alexis93
I really like first design. Its pretty much internet ready for me. Super neat and easy to follow. You could try incorporating the bike illustrations like other people said. It wouldn't hurt to try, but it's not necessary.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:08 am
by Instructor
I'd say your first one is the stronger of the two. The second is a nice, high-contrast design, but it doesn't say "pizza" to me. The first one absolutely does.

The first design immediately lets you know what it's all about with a large, well placed, picture of a pizza. But it also follows up in some more subtle ways. The brown background, orange navigation and accents, and black logo and type bring to mind crust, sauce, and olives. I can practically smell the pizza in the air. The colors also evoke warm feelings of good food and good company. Plus, orange makes people hungrier so it's always a good go-to color for any place that serves food. I like the logo as well. The design of it is fun and the black background immediately draws your eye to it. The contact information in the upper right corner is very strong as well. You want customers to be able to contact you as quickly as possible and that placement promotes that. The navigation is easy to read and follow and looks like I should have no problem clicking around the site. Your type is well chosen, well placed and easy to read. Good use of margins as well.

... or maybe I'm just hungry.

From what I can see, the only thing this design needs is more imagery on the inner pages. Right now they're pretty plain. The more images the better, so try and work some in in the depths of the website.

Awesome work! I look forward to seeing it as a "real" website.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:14 am
by lsimgrc175
I thought maybe that site was designed to be one screen on a smartphone but nah...still sucks. Your versions are much better :)

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:33 pm
by punkassbookjockey
I like the second page of the second layout. The bike and pizza are both important to them, so they should both be on the site. I do think you should have actual pictures of pizza though. That would compliment the bike sketches.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:10 am
by japanese_panda
I think first one will work well!

I like pizza image on front page!
I think you should keep image for menu page! it will help people to focus on your page!