Project 2 preliminary

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Project 2 preliminary

Post by Stalksyouatnight »

Hey I know it's a little late, but here it is.
The site is about gates and fences, the color scheme is white, black and red; their services is located in Florida.

The site I'm improving if you wish to look at it.
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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by j.alexis93 »

The first design works better for me. It's well organized and easy to read. I would just swap the position of your navigation bar and your banner, and I would increase the size of the banner to establish some hierarchy.

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by natsukigrc175 »

The first one is more interesting to look at, but there is some contrast issue. White text on white text box doesn't really work well for me so I would use different color on text of text box.
Natsuki Tonuma

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by Instructor »

Your first design is the one to go with here. It's the better starting point.

It's got a clean layout to it and has lots of photographs which is always as good place to start. I like the high contrast header and footer. It makes your navigation easy to use and it makes it easy to find the social media links in your secondary navigation. The logo is pretty slick too. Very futuristic.

A few things to make your design better. One, pick different colors. The current colorscheme it has is a little depressing. Try whites instead of blacks and grays. Two, enlarge your bodycopy a bit. Three, watch your margins, you have type butting into everything all over your design. Four, you have way too many boxes. You need to clean house. Remove the dark gray box that covers everything. Remove the light gray box behind the navigation and let your navigation have a black background, like your footer. Remove the gray box from your footer and reverse the social media characters out white. Remove the light and dark gray boxes from behind the title. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

A good start! Keep it going.
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by punkassbookjockey »

I like the first design, especially the fact that there is a large picture of a fence. I would drop the gnf, it doesn't seem necessary. Rather than a picture of palm trees, I would havery pictures of their products. (seriously, if I lived in Florida- which I assume their customer do - I would not want to see another picture of a palm tree!) unless of course it is behind one of the company's fancy fences and/ or gates.
Jena Molina

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by japanese_panda »

I like first one, big image on background looks nice!

I think you can make header bigger, and logo bigger!

If you make hierarchy, it will be much better!
Yoshiki Katabami

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Post by Computer Lover »

I prefer the first concept over the second, as it conveys the purpose of the business much better. I find the color schemes to be more appealing and I rather like the design of it. Maybe incorporate the logo a little better and make the body text slightly larger so its easier to read.
- Starla Houck

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by ravennvrmre »

I think both could work, the pictures are really nice for both designs. I like the top design’s home page but for its inside page; I would pick one picture or the other, not both, to keep it consistent throughout the website. Personally I would go with the home page’s picture because the fence is more obvious (I had to search for it in the inside page’s picture). I think what it will come down to is how you think the client would want their customers to feel when visiting their website. The top one’s more relaxed whereas the bottom one is more stylized I think. For the top design I would change the white type to a different color, I know it can be hard to deal with type over images but the type color makes it really hard to read. Great start though.
Vicki Miller

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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by lsimgrc175 »

I think the first one is a lot better just because the colors seem easier on the eyes
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Re: Project 2 preliminary

Post by moserary »

The first one conveys much more of what this company is about, outdoors and Florida. Maybe experiment a bit with fonts for interest? And yes, the white is a bit overwhelming as the gray on the second page is a downer.

The second one is great for something automotive, that's the mindset it gave me, keep it for future!
