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project 2 -kinda

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:00 am
by nikkihillman
Hey guys,

So I underestimated myself and didn't really get 100% done, but it's almost 4am so I'm posting what I have... :geek:

Here's the old site in case you forgot what this monstrosity looks like: ... lcome.html

As far as Project 1, I am still working out all the vines fitting correctly (bottom left especially) and I still need to add rollovers to the leaves.

For Project 2,
I only have the homepage and the menu page done. Still trying to work out how to do the image galleries. The navigation was kind of difficult because I have the logo just floating on top (using a z-index) but I'm generally happy with how it's turned out so far. I want to adjust the drop down menu and some images too.

Anyway, let me know what you think of it so far.

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:47 pm
by natsukigrc175
Wow! Nice work! I am excited to look at your webpages. You did good on combining two roughs for final web page! Great job!

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:31 pm
by ravennvrmre
Both are coming along quite nicely. Good work.

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:59 pm
The revised pizza one looks really great and very professional. I would just work on the rollover navigation bar as it blocks some things when you roll over it and navigate through the site. The layout came out so good.

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:08 pm
by Instructor
That looks really good, Nikki. Nice work.

This is a really great realization of your design. The black, orange and white colorsheme creates a great contrast with one another. Just great use of contrast throughout the design. Your navigation is very visible and seems (theoretically) easy to use. The typography really compliments the rest of the design. I find it a pleasure to read with nice leading and a good separation between the bodycopy and headline, both design wise and physically. I like the postalized bicycle accent graphic. The photo is well chosen and works to sell the restaurant/product. I also like the use of the nav bar and footer as a framing device.

The big issues I can see are the large photo on the home page is not centered and the navigation vomits all over my screen whenever it tries to render a drop down menu. If you want to take some time and fix it, I'd love to see what it looks like fully polished and working.

Excellent design! It just needs another day or so of technical tweaks.

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:28 am
by japanese_panda
I like your color scheme ! As for project2, you really made nice homepage! it has cool orange color! you have issue a little bit on your project2 navigation button.

Re: project 2 -kinda

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:53 pm
by j.alexis93
Im really liking these. Both layouts are working pretty well. The banner image on the pizza website gets thrown to side when you zoom out and it doesn't look right, but nice job.