About the program

Visual communications has fallen under many different names over the years, including commercial art, graphic design, advertising design, publication design, graphic arts, and multimedia.

TMCC's Graphic Communications (GRC) Program offers classes that lead to an associate degree or a certificate of achievement.

Instruction includes the use of industry standard graphics software, and GRC computer labs are equipped with the latest Apple Mac Pro and iMac Intel-based computers with support scanners, black and white and color printers, a sound booth for creating and capturing audio, and a complete prepress/print shop facility.

The bottom line is, if you want to learn how to create, produce and reproduce visual graphics that communicate to an audience, then graphic communications is for you. The GRC program teaches the theories and applications necessary to get a job in this exciting field.

Course Offerings

GRC classes are offered during day and evening timeframes. There are two levels of foundation (introductory) classes that all GRC majors must take before moving on to higher-level classes. GRC 107, GRC 109 and GRC 110 are first level. Challenge by portfolio/challenge exam for these classes is available, and students with equivalent experience may skip these classes with department approval.

Second level classes are GRC 118, GRC 119 and GRC 122, which focus on merging creative skills with the various software required in print, digital and letterform media. All six foundation courses are offered Fall and Spring Semesters, and sometimes during the Summer Session.

Not all intermediate/advanced classes are offered every semester, please check the schedule of classes or contact the department for sequencing of courses.

While manual skills are important in graphic communications, most classes focus on electronic skills using Apple computers and Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere, Soundbooth, After Effects and Lightwave 3D software.

Certificates and Degrees

In a recent survey of industry representatives, 60% said that an associate degree related to graphic communications was the level of training they were looking for when hiring for entry-level positions.

TMCC's GRC program offer an associate degree and certificates of achievement that give training in those areas that employers want. Check out the links below to view degree and certificate requirements or check out our program flow.

Peter Griffin

Loving father of 3 children, and pet owner.

Stan Smith

Loving father of 2 children, C.I.A. agent, and alien hero.

Homer Simpson

Loving father of 3 children, Power Plant employee, hater of Ned Flanders.