object class: safe

special containment procedure: Each instance of SPC-2232 is to be kept in a standard safe-class containment locker when not in use. using SPC-2232 to make calls or send text messages must be done in the presence of a certified bird handler. SPC-2232 must not be left unattended while being charged.

use of SPC instances for tracking telephone based anomalies, including SPC-1750, has been approved on a case by case basis.


SCP-2232 is a smartphone superficially resembling a sky-blue Samsung Galaxy S4, running on a modified version of the Android operating system listed as Android 5.7.4 "Delicious Sunflower Seeds". SCP-2232's casing has so far resisted all attempts to be opened,and any attempts to do so have resulted in SCP-2232 vibrating violently and emitting a loud, squawking noise. 10 9 instances of SCP-2232 are currently in Foundation possession, labeled as SCP-2232-01 through -101. Update: As per Incident-2232-01, SCP-2232-03 has been neutralised. Samples of its remains are currently stored in the Inert Biological Sample wing of Site-77.

Using SCP-2232 to call a valid telephone number causes it to transform into a common hill myna, which then appears to reproduce via budding to produce a second, smaller myna. The second instance, designated SCP-2232-A, will then attempt to fly directly towards the location of the dialed telephone. SCP-2232 has been found to be able to locate both mobile and landline telephones once provided with the appropriate number. However, should SCP-2232 be used to call telephones located more than 40km away, it will instead prompt the user to "kindly enable Airplane Mode for long-distance communication."Once it has reached its destination, SCP-2232-A will then attempt to attract the attention of the nearest human being by mimicking loud noises like alarms or heavy machinery, or flapping its wings in his/her face. From this point onwards, SCP-2232 and SCP-2232-A will function as a two-way voice transmission system, with speech addressed to the former instantaneously vocalised by the latter and vice versa.

The call can be terminated any time by grabbing either myna and turning it gently upside-down, resulting in SCP-2232 reverting to its smartphone form, and SCP-2232-A disappearing in a puff of carbon dust.Using SCP-2232 to send a text message to a valid mobile telephone number causes SCP-2232 to transform into a homing pigeon, designated SCP-2232-B. SCP-2232-B will then travel towards the messaged mobile telephone, vocalise the text message, and travel back to its original location.