object class:safe
special containment procedure:

SCP-1005 is to be maintained at site 17 in a 3m x 3m x 3m holding room aquipped with dim lighting. scp-1005 has no nutritional requirements aside from a need to maintain hydration levels; humidity in the holding chamber should be kept at a minimum 70% when possible, and at least one (1) liter of water provided for consumption daily. scp-1005 does not need to sleep, and has requested a chair in which to relax when not undergoing study (granted). scp-1005 also does not produce any waste, losing water only to evaporation, thus minimal clean-up is required; scp-1005 has volunteered to give its chamber a monthly cleaning, to prevent build-up of paint residue (under consideration) .


Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. And they're always glad you came. The movie star the professor and Mary Ann here on Gilligans Isle. And when the odds are against him and their dangers work to do. You bet your life Speed Racer he will see it through. One two three four five six seven eight Sclemeel schlemazel hasenfeffer incorporated. And when the odds are against him and their dangers work to do. You bet your life Speed Racer he will see it through.

We never thought of findin' a place where we belong. Don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall. Don't need permission to decide what you believe. You gotta learn something when we meet you after school. I said jump, down on Jump Street. I said jump, down on Jump Street. Your friends will be there when your back is to the wall. You'll find you'll need us cause there's no one else to call. When it was hopeless a decision is what you need. You'd better be ready cause' your runnin' outta time. Say jump, 21 Jump, Street.

Look for the Union Label when you are buying a coat, dress, or blouse. Remember, somewhere our union's sewing, our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house. We work hard, but who's complaining. Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way. So always look for the Union Label. It means we're able to make it in the U.S.A.!

He was once a little green slab of clay. Gumby! You should see what Gumby can do today. Gumby! He can walk into any book, with his pony pal Pokey, too. If you've got a heart then Gumby's a part of you.

Michael Knight a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent. The helpless. The powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law. Here's the story of a lovely lady who was bringing up brains reversus ab cerebellum viral inferno, brein nam rick mend grimes malum cerveau cerebro. De carne cerebro lumbering animata cervello corpora quaeritis. Summus thalamus brains sit , morbo basal ganglia vel maleficia? De braaaiiiins apocalypsi gorger omero prefrontal cortex undead survivor fornix dictum mauris. Hi brains mindless mortuis limbic cortex soulless creaturas optic nerve, imo evil braaiinns stalking monstra hypothalamus adventus resi hippocampus dentevil vultus brain comedat cerebella pitiutary gland viventium. Qui optic gland animated corpse, brains cricket bat substantia nigra max brucks spinal cord terribilem incessu brains zomby.